Becket Historical Commission Meeting
November 2, 2011
Present: Harry, Rob, Barb and Aaron (with Madeline)
Meeting called to order at 7:05pm
Minutes from the October meeting were read. Barb moved that we accept the minutes as read, Harry seconded and, by a show of hands, the motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report – no report
- Received a notice about an upcoming Historic Cemetery Preservation workshop
- Received an informational notice from the town administrator confirming that Becket was awarded funds as the result of the Block Grant which was submitted
Informational Maps
- Rob purchased the quarter-round white PVC material that we need to hold the Plexiglas in place over the maps along with silicone caulk from Dresser Hull for $83.79 (this business did not accept our tax-exempt certificate, so Rob was forced to pay tax on the merchandise). Rob also purchased more lag screws from Home Depot for $9.93. Rob moved to receive reimbursement for the purchases, Harry seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
- Aaron is in contact with Doreen at Sabic. She is coordinating the production of the Plexiglas being donated for our signs. She will advise about the shipping or pick-up of the materials (we may have to pay shipping on the Plexiglas if we cannot pick it up).
- Aaron and Rob will continue to winterize the signs as best they can as soon as they can
- Rob is working on constructing some square pegs/blocks to place in the corners of the frame (to save mitering the quarter-round
- We will likely wait until spring to repair the footing for the Becket Center sign
Higley Apothecary
- Rob followed up with Michelle Barker from MA Historical and she confirmed that the only way for the Apothecary to receive emergency stabilization funds would be if it were owned by a non-profit or municipality.
- There was a discussion about how to share the Commission’s concern about the state of the property with the property owners.
- Aaron agreed to bridge the subject with the property owners and suggest the homeowners incorporate as a non-profit or donate the property to a non-profit or municipality, which would make it eligible for emergency stabilization funds
Other old business – none
New business
- Barb nominated Aaron to be secretary for the Historical Commission. Aaron accepted the nomination. Harry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
- There was a discussion about changing the date the Historical Commission meets due to the conflict with the time of the Selectmen’s meeting. We will pursue finding a different regular time that works for all Commission members.
Aaron moved to adjourn the meeting. Harry and Barb seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.