Becket Board of Health
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 16th, 2012
Board of Health Members Present: Ginger Conner , John Amato, Laurel Burgwardt
Board of Health Members Absent: None.
Meeting opens at: 10:00 am
Members of the public present: Joe Kellogg
New members, John and Laurel open meeting while waiting for Chairperson Ginger to arrive. John checks the mail and opens correspondence received, Laurel returns phone messages received.
Approval of Meeting Minutes from January 2nd, 2013- Ginger, John and Laurel read and review meeting minutes as presented, John makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented; Ginger seconds motion, Unanimous Approval.
Mr. Joe Kellogg advises board members on The Berkshire Health Alliance. He explains that they provide help and professionalism to many small towns. Ginger advises Joe that the Town does belong to The Berkshire Health Alliance, however has not had to use their services. Joe asks Ginger if she is a registered sanitarian, Ginger replies, yes. Ginger goes on to give Joe some information about the current board of health. She advises him that each of the members make $13.45 per hour. Ginger also advises that they will be asking the Finance Committee for a budget increase, however are also re-vamping the current fee schedule which will help defray the increase in requested budget.
Joe explains what a “revolving-fund” is to the board members, and advises that this can easily be voted in at the next Town Meeting. Joe also recommends that the board votes in the new fee schedule.
Joe explains that with a revolving account, the more you bring in, the more you can spend and then at the end of the year it will just close out to the general fund. John volunteers to begin work on figuring out a projected budget.
Joe also advises board members that he will be meeting with Jim Loose from Tri-Town , per request of the Selectmen. Joe advises that if anyone has any specific questions or information that they would like to request from Jim, to just let him know. Ginger states all of her current qualifications and certifications for Joe, and further adds that all of the camps in Becket currently have brand new kitchens.
Board members briefly discuss training. Members agree that they are all willing to do any and all of the training that is required or being offered to them. Joe explains that training is so valuable and should be done whenever it is offered. Ginger gives Joe a report to show the growth of the board of health over the last few years, and thanks him for attending their meeting.
Board members read and review a memo drafted (to the selectmen, town administrator, and town secretary) by John Amato. Board members also read, review and discuss the newly proposed fee schedule. Ginger advises board members that Jacob’s Pillow needs to be added to the list.
John makes a motion to nominate Ginger as the Chairperson of the board , through the month of May ( at which time she will retire), Laurel seconds the motion; unanimous approval.
John informs members that he will be creating an updated contact list, to include phone numbers, cell numbers, email, etc. Ginger confirms that this will be very helpful.
John makes a motion to approve the new fee schedule as amended, Laurel seconds motion; Unanimous Approval. John makes a motion to approve the memo, previously read and reviewed, Laurel seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Map 414 Lot 27- Furlong property on Main Street, perc submitted in the name of Berkshire Regional Planning Commission/ Becket Senior Affordable Housing . Documentation of perc test to be filed.
Map 413 Lot 67- 40 Trout Close- Passing Title V, submitted by Al Joyner.
Map 210 Lot 16- Camp Greylock- Submitted perc test for a new septic system ( additional system)
Ginger hands out a draft copy of the annual town report that she has begun to work on. Board members read, review and edit.
Map 404 Lot 27- Laurel reports that she did go on the site visit to this property, however a perc has not yet been submitted.
Board members briefly discuss speaking with Bill Girard, referencing computerizing documents.
Ginger advises that due to the fact that the two new members will be at an all-day training on Wednesday, January 30th, she will hold office hours as well as an information-only meeting on January 30th at 10:00 am. Schedule next meeting on Wednesday, February 6th, 2013.
John makes a motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:25pm, Laurel seconds motion; unanimous Approval.
Board members stay and finish the days work.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ginger Conner
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
John Amato
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Laurel Burgwardt