Becket Board of Health
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 7th, 2012
Board of Health Members Present: Ginger Conner, Bill Robinson.
Board of Health Members Absent: Chuck Andrews.
Meeting opens at: 10:00 am
Approval of October 17th , Meeting Minutes- Board members read and review minutes as presented, members approve meeting minutes as presented, Ginger and Bill sign draft of minutes as prepared by Heather.
Map 217 Lot 197- 173 Little Robin Drive- Mr. Ed Woodis enters meeting in progress, introduces himself and states that he has brought along some documents that have been missing from his files. He explains to the board of health members present that he is looking to get a conditional pass up to a full pass. Ginger pulls the requested file and confirms that White Wolf did the work as well as paid for it. After a brief review, Ginger and Bill advise that they will go ahead and issue a certificate of compliance. Ginger also advises that the septic will need to be pumped once a year, to keep the Title V good for 3 years.
Mr. Dan Dinicola enters the meeting (10:25 AM) Mr. Dinicola asks where things stand with septic compliance? He states that the tank will be going in on Monday, Ginger advises that she will stop by and look at it.
Mr. Gene Pike arrives and introduces himself to the board. He states that he has some possible interest on serving the town and serving on the Board of Health. Ginger advises that Mr. Bill Robinson will be resigning soon and that she as well will be leaving in the month of May. She advises Mr. Pike that he should submit a letter of interest to the Board of Health for their review. Mr. Pike submits a draft letter to Ginger, advising that he would like to add a couple of things and then bring it back to her this afternoon. Mr. John Amato and Ginger briefly discuss the appointment process. Ginger explains that the position pays $13.45 per hour and has an $8000 annual budget. Ginger also advises that she is requesting that the budget be doubled this coming year, because Bill Fuller, Bill Robinson and Ginger Connor have volunteered well over half of their time.
Map 216 Lot 263- New Application received- 312 King Richard Drive- Ginger gives Bill a copy for his review. Plans for a new septic system installation has been approved.
16 Beaver Brook Road- submitted a Title V for further evaluation; currently waiting for a water test.
11:40 am – Bill Stapanski, 0 Winter Drive- wants to make sure that the perk test is still valid, Bill leaves the room to go and pull the file and research, Mr. Stapanski advises that Jay Mustang is designing the system. Copies are made for the central file.
Jester’s Lane- Ginger advises that there is a family at this particular piece of property that have five children and that just totally lost their septic system, Ginger advises that a meeting be scheduled as well as an inspection so that the family doesn’t have to wait. Ginger and Bill schedule the next meeting for Wednesday, November 14th at 10:00.
12:15 pm - Bill makes a motion to adjourn the meeting; Ginger seconds motion. Meeting is adjourned at 12:15pm.
Schedule next meeting for Wednesday November 14th, 2012.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ginger Conner
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Bill Robinson