Becket Board of Health
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013
Board of Health Members Present: Ginger Conner, John Amato
Board of Health Members Absent: Laurel Burgwardt.
Meeting opens at: 10:00 am
Members of the public present: None
Ginger welcomes new member, John Amato to the Board of Health. She explains that she will be doing some training with him and answering any questions that he may have. Ginger advises what “serve-save” is and states that either John or Laurel will need to take this.
Schedule perk for January 8th, 10:00 am- Ginger makes note to ask Laurel.
Ginger and John review correspondence received. Ginger also reviews the Title V applications with John.
Ginger advises that the Town of Becket has the lowest fees in the area. Ginger and John briefly discuss, and agree that it would be a good idea to go to the selectmen and speak with them in regards to making the fees higher and more competitive with other towns in the area.
Members discuss sending out letters to all the haulers, stating that the fees are now going to be $100.
In reviewing correspondence, Ginger reviews a document from the DEP, referencing Mt. Grove Association. Ginger states that they have been recertified to run a public water source. Also, received is a check from the DEP , for the spring on Rt. 20.
Ginger continues the training process with new member, giving John a clip board and explaining the proper procedures, Ginger explains that everything has a map and lot and needs to be filed by such numbers. Ginger also advises John that there are currently two cell phones available through the Board of Health and asks him if he would be interested in the use of one. John advises that he would prefer to use his cell phone. Ginger goes on to review the license book with John, together the members present issue hauler’s permits requested.
Map 203 Lot 32.1- 11 Amy Court- Title V to approve, board members submit into file.
Map 216 Lot 542D- 299 Friar Tuck Road- New system, passes Title V, submitted and paid for.
Map 219 Lot 84.2- Winter Drive-Application for a new system is submitted. Ginger and John review, and approve plans as submitted.
Map 410 Lot 9- Ginger reviews a request for repair of the on-site system on Pill Drive. Ginger and John approve plans as submitted.
12:15 pm- Ginger and John listen to phone messages, return calls. Meeting is adjourned; schedule next meeting for January 16th, 2013.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ginger Conner
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
John Amato