Becket Board of Health
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 17th, 2012
Board of Health Members Present: Ginger Conner, Bill Robinson.
Board of Health Members Absent: Chuck Andrews.
Meeting opens at: 10:00 am
Approval of October 3rd , Meeting Minutes- Board members read and review minutes as presented, members approve meeting minutes as presented, Ginger and Bill sign draft of minutes as prepared by Heather.
Map 204 Lot 112- Lovison property- Ginger advises that they are putting in a new septic system, White Wolf is the contractor, they have already gone to the Conservation Commission, and the actual tank arrived yesterday, October 16th.
Map 413 Lot 24- Cohen property- Ginger advises that she has completed the final inspection and that it has been approved. Ginger also advises that they have received the sign-off sheet from Peter Franz for the finished and inspected septic system.
Map 206 Lot 51- Kirk Henshaw, Henshaw drilling, has submitted plans to Bill Robinson, needs to be filed.
Map 211 Lot 110- Merrill property- 225 East Shore Drive – Henshaw Well Drilling has just put in the well, submitted water test for new well, Bill Robinson pulls file, board members review.
At this time, Ginger checks mail received; no new mail received.
Ginger advises that she had received a note from the treasurer informing her that a check had been returned. Ginger reports that she was successful in collecting on the check as well as the $25.00 bounce fee, all money is turned over to the treasurer.
Map 211 Lot 102- Perk test submitted for Susan Frisbee, Mr. Scott McFarlane has done the test.
Map 216 Lot 307-395 King Richard Drive- Valerie Nickerson is submitting a perk test to the Board of Health.
Map 410 Lot 5- O’Leary property- 684 McNerney Road, well report has been sent in by Gordon Incorporated.
Ginger reads aloud a letter received from the Board of Selectmen. Letter is a reminder that an Annual Report must be submitted; Ginger advises that she will be working on this. Next, Ginger reads aloud an invitation to attend a Fall Dinner Meeting on November, 1st; Bill advises that he will not be attending.
Map 216 Lot 96- Greylock Federal Credit Union-26 Bowman’s Lane , Septic system is failed, system is sitting in high ground water.
Map 213 Lot 3 -110 Access Road- Landeau property- requests that her certificate of compliance be mailed to her Florida Address.
Ginger reads aloud a piece of correspondence received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Public Health- the memo advises that in case of an outbreak or an emergency, the contact person that they need to call is Ms. Carolyn Harris.
DEP Notice for Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival; sent from Mass Public Health, Ginger advises that she will forward a copy to Craig Klemen, per his request.
Scheduling: Ginger-well appointment today (Oct. 17th). Bill Robinson/Peter Franz-Perk test at 312 King Richard Drive (Oct. 22nd) and on Pill Drive (Oct. 26), both perk tests are scheduled, Ginger calls Mr. Peter Franz to confirm.
Ginger and Bill discuss possible candidates they may be interested in joining the Board of Health. They briefly discuss asking the possible applicants to submit a letter , stating why they should be considered for a position on the board. Ginger speaks briefly with both interested parties, inviting them to come and sit in on the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday November 7th.
Phone calls:
Ginger and Bill briefly discuss a phone call that they had received from Christine at Foresight Land Services. Christine had called to advise of the three possible locations that are being considered for Senior Housing. Christine advises that one of the locations includes Jacob’s Well as well as two on Main Street. Bill advises Christine on the updated files for the three proposed locations, stating that Jacob’s Well is all wetlands and therefore would not be considered a possibility.
Ginger returns a call from Mrs. Landeau, 110 Access Road , to confirm her mailing address so that the information that she requested can be sent to the proper location.
Map 205 Lot 26- 43 Brook Lane- Garrity Construction called, they want to get a permit so that they can put a new septic tank in, stating that the old one is crumbling. Mr. Garrity confirms that he will be in to get the permit as well as the installer’s license.
Ginger submits payments to the treasurer for all money received.
12:12 pm Bill makes a motion to adjourn the meeting; Ginger seconds motion. Meeting is adjourned at 12:12pm.
Schedule next meeting for Wednesday November 7th, 2012.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ginger Conner
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Bill Robinson