Becket Board of Health
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 3rd , 2012
Board of Health Members Present: Ginger Conner, Bill Robinson.
Board of Health Members Absent:Chuck Andrews.
Members of the public present: Lou Lafreniere, Wayne Seelig, Christen Granger, Andy Williams.
Meeting opens at: 10:05 am
Approval of September 19th , Meeting Minutes- Board members read and review minutes as presented, members approve meeting minutes as presented, Ginger and Bill sign draft of minutes as prepared by Heather.
Map 213 Lot 3, 110 Access Road- Landeau property- Mr. Lou Lafreniere enters meeting and introduces himself, he explains that he is seeking the Board of Health to issue a permit for a new septic installation that he is currently working on at 110 Access Road. Board members briefly review, Ginger advises Mr. Lafreniere of the fees that are due. Mr. Lafreniere writes a check for $125 to the Board of Health to cover the cost of both the license to install as well as the permit. Ginger also calls Peter Franz and schedules a visit for a “sign-off’ from him, for later that morning.
Map 407 Lot 152.1, 1945 Jacob’s Ladder Road- Mr. Seelig enters meeting already in progress and introduces himself. He goes on to explain that he is having a problem with his leech field and would like to open up the system to try and figure out what is going on with it. Ginger informs Mr. Seelig that because he is the owner, he is welcome to do that, however she further explains that if the homeowner decides to hire a contractor, then the contractor must come in and request a permit ($50 fee), and let the Board of Health know what is to be done. Mr. Seelig asks Ginger what the process for getting a license would entail; Ginger explains the process to the homeowner.
Ms. Madeleine Swindlehurst enters the meeting and gives Ginger a message to please call Mr. Mark Karlberg. Ginger calls Mark on the phone and has conversation with him referencing 16 Beaver Brook Road and that fact that he is concerned that the Title V inspection at that property may be expired. Ginger does the research and finds that in fact the Title V is expired; she calls Mr. Karlberg back and advises him of this as well as what to do from here.
Ginger passes along a letter to Bill from Berkshire Environ-Labs for him to read and review, letter advises that they have found a source to do their state testing/public water supplies.
Map 206 Lot 92, 30 Maple Street – Ginger states that the board has received the new plans submitted for 30 Maple Street and that the plans show that the septic system has been moved back 24 feet, 3 inches. Ginger advises that they can now approve the plan, however it can not be permitted at this time, until it is paid in full.
At this time, Ms. Granger enters the meeting and informs the board that she is prepared to pay the fees that are currently due so that they can get things to move along. She advises she will be paying for all fees due for perk and installing permits. Ginger advises Ms. Granger that she also needs to have her contractor come in and get his license. Ginger also advises that a silt fence will definitely need to be put up.
Map 410 Lot 18, 504 Brooker Hill Road- Board members read, review and approve plans as presented.
Map 207 Lot 2 , 549 George Carter Road- Board members confirm that the perk was done and witnessed.
Map 204 Lot 112, 27 Bruce Roy Lane- Board members read, review and approve plans as presented.
At this time Ginger returns a phone call from Mr. Byron Gibbs, Map 409 Lot 47.
Ginger asks Mr. Marc Portieri if he could enter the meeting for a moment. She explains to him that there is a $15 fine that is to be imposed to any anyone that has an animal on one of the beaches in Sherwood Forest. She advises that this should be strictly enforced, however only on the actual sand/beaches.
Mr. Andy Williams , on behalf of 30 Maple Street enters the meeting. Ginger advise him that he needs to pay $50 and then he will receive his installers license. Mr. Williams agrees and advises the board that the bank has slowed things down somewhat and has held them up. Ginger reminds Mr. Williams that he must call Dig Safe.
Map 209 Lot 47: Newly scheduled Title V.
Ginger reviews phone messages received. She returns a call from Ms. Mary Sweeney who has questions regarding 640 Main Street.
Ginger then returns a call from Mr. Jeff Kotkin. Mr. Kotkin briefly discusses the water testing issue that is on going in Sherwood Greens. He advises that he was hoping to lessen the frequency required to do the mandatory water testing, due to the fact that the lake is used very infrequently. Ginger advises Mr. Kotkin that they have to follow the state Rules an that the required testing must be done. Ginger agrees to email Mr. Kotkin some additional information.
Mrs. Karlberg calls in to ask Bill Robinson questions about Title V and the property on 16 Beaver Brook Road.
Ginger submits payments to the treasurer for all money received.
12:35pm Bill makes a motion to adjourn the meeting; Ginger seconds motion. Meeting is adjourned at 12:35pm.
Schedule next meeting for Wednesday October 17th, 2012.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ginger Conner
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Bill Robinson