Becket Board of Health
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 19th , 2012
Board of Health Members Present: Ginger Conner, Chuck Andrews, Bill Robinson.
Board of Health Members Absent: None.
Members of the public present: Craig Willis
Meeting opens at: 10:03 am
Approval of September 5th Meeting Minutes- Board members read and review minutes as presented. Members briefly discuss the request made by Sherwood Forest to keep animals off of all beaches. Mr. Chuck Andrews makes a motion to approve the meeting minutes as presented; Mr. Bill Robinson seconds motion, Unanimous Approval.
Sherwood Greens: Longbow Lake Beach Request- A letter was read aloud, submitted by Jeanne Pryor, District Treasurer of the Sherwood Greens Road Improvement & Maintenance District. Ms. Pryor requests that they would like to change from Weekly to bi-weekly testing of Longbow Lake Beach due to the fact that it is used so infrequently and that all their tests from last year were good. Board members briefly discuss, G. Conner contacts the state to see how the law actually reads on this matter. G. Conner then advises that Sherwood Greens would have to have two full years of clean testing before they could go ahead and apply for a tier-three , which would allow them to lessen the frequency of their testing to bi-weekly.
Plans submitted for 30 Maple Street- Plans received were passed out for 30 Maple Street. Board members review. G. Conner advises that the school well is shown on the plan and is not in Zone 1, she goes on to explain that there was a perk test done and advises that the plans show that it is next to a private water supply as well as being fairly close to the neighbor’s well. Board members also notice that the word, “approximate” appears on the plans as well, leaving some questions unanswered. Bill Robinson suggests that they should consider calling the state just to be safe, considering it is so close to the school.
10:30 am- At this time, Mr. Craig Willis enters the meeting, advising that he is ready for an inspection and he requests a visit. Mr. Robinson tells him that he can be there early Friday.
Mr. Andrews also points out other errors that appear on the plan . G. Conner makes a phone call to Paul Nakowski from the Department of Environmental protection to review the plans as received. Mr. Nakowski indicates that it appears that it is 158 ft. from the well, and advises that he will get back to them regarding the approximate boundary lines as well as the different zones and what they may translate to. Mr. Nakowski reports back to G. Conner stating that they are zone 1 and that they need to push back a little bit further and be very careful. Board members agree to send packet back for corrections to be made.
Septic Plans- Cohen- Main Street/Wade Inn Road, Map 413 Lot 24- Board members read and review, plans are unanimously approved.
Septic Plans-344 Winter Drive, Map 219 Lot 60- Oates Construction Company to be putting in a new septic system. Board members review, plans are unanimously approved.
Map 410 Lot 60- G.Conner advises that she has done a well-siting. Mr. Robinson explains that it was suggested by Valerie to leave the well-sitings up to the Engineers.
Correspondence- Read and reviewed. The Board reads the annual performance assessments, advising that there are classes being offered if there is anyone interested. G. Conner also reviews the Emergency Planning Response with board members, members review, take quiz provided.
Board members briefly discuss the current board of health members and there coming and goings, G. Conner expresses concern that the next couple of months attendance within the board may be sparse. Board members discuss.
11:30 Mr. Chuck Andrews leaves the meeting.
11:48 Mr. Robinson makes a motion to adjourn the meeting; Ms. Conner seconds motion. Meeting is adjourned at 11:48.
Schedule next meeting for Wednesday October 3rd, 2012.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ginger Conner
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Chuck Andrews
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Bill Robinson