Town of Becket
Becket Board of Health
557 Main Street
Becket, MA 01223
September 21 2011
The meeting was held in the Becket Board of Health office
Time: 10AM – 1:PM
G. Conner
B. Robinson
C. Andrews
Visitors: Sandra Martin from the BOH in Edgemont
1. The Board unanimously voted to join the Berkshire Public Health Alliance.
The Board of Health will recommend it to the Selectmen Board.
2 Review of Title V
3 Up- dates on the Berkshire Alliance (Sandra Martin)
4. Center Pond: New water test has come in and is clear for swimming again.
5 Bill & Chuck reviewed new septic plans
6 Minutes were reviewed and passed by all three BOH members
Respectfully Submitted
Chuck Andrews
Ginger Conner
Bill Robinson