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Board of Health Minutes 10/6/10
Becket Board of Health

Present:  William Fuller
           William Robinson
Absent:   Ginger Conner

        Ms. Conner reviewed the agenda materials before the meeting but was not able to be present.

        The meeting opened at 7:00 PM.  There were no visitors.

        The 9/15/2010 Minutes were approved by both members.

        The report “Cancer Incidence in Massachusetts, 2003-2007, City and Town Supplement” was received, reviewed and filed.

        A notice of the Berkshire County Boards of Health Association meeting on November 3, 2010 was received, reviewed and filed for future reference and determination of who attends the meeting.

        A Sanitary Survey of the Becket General Store by the Department of Environmental Protection was received, reviewed and filed for review of compliance actions.

        A Title 5 Inspection of 442 County Road (Map 409 lot 18.5) was received, reviewed and approved by both members.  William Robinson was present during the inspection.

        Applications for a Disposal System Construction Permit were received for Pill Drive (Map 410 lot 12.2) and Fred Snow Road (Map 408 lot 77.4).  They were reviewed and approved by both members.

        A third application for 17 Long Bow Lane (Map 214 lot 31) was retained for more information from the designer.

        The meeting was adjourned at 8 PM.

                                        Respectfully submitted:

                                        William S. Fuller