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Board of Health Minutes 3/17/10
Becket Board of Health

Present:  William Fuller
              William Robinson
               Ginger Conner

        The meeting was opened at 7:00 PM and the 3/03/10 Minutes and 3/04/10 Department Payments to Treasurer were approved.

        The Mandatory Training Requirements for the Ethics Reform Bill were shared with all members for action by April 2nd.

        The new standards for beaches were reviewed and a draft of a letter to all beach owners with the proposed permit and fees were approved.

        The Conservation Commission Agenda, a Federal Mumps Alert and a Housing Inspection Seminar were reviewed and filed.

        New federal regulations on lead based paint have caused training programs for contractors, renovators and landlords.  A certification class is scheduled for April 24th in West Springfield.

        A septic training seminar is scheduled in Northampton on March 23rd.

        The BCBOHA Spring Dinner is scheduled for April 13th.

        Title 5 Inspection Reports were approved at:

                1034 Benton Hill Rd.                    Map 217 lot 75
                    16 Beaver Brook Rd.         Map 209 lot 45

        An Application for Disposal System Construction Permit was approved at 92 Will Scarlet Drive (216/413).

        The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

                                                Respectfully submitted:

                                                William S. Fuller