Becket Board of Health
Present: William Fuller
William Robinson
Ginger Conner
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Ginger Conner recused herself and left the room on any discussion of the property at 1330 Jacob’s Ladder Road (Map 213 lot 17).
The 8/05/09 minutes were approved.
A notice from the DEP concerned a public hearing on the revision of drinking water regulations to include the federal Safe Drinking Water Act.
The Coalition for Local Public Health has provided a “Tool Kit” on a CD.
The DPH continues to provide “updates” (Situation Report) on H1N1 (swine flu).
8/20/09 Conservation Commission Agenda was noted regarding 45 Bruce Roy Lane septic system application.
Title 5 inspections were approved at:
1330 Jacob’s Ladder Rd. Map 213 lot 17
34 Sitting Bull Map 218 lot 56
116 Mystic Isle Way Map 216 lot 447
Soil Suitability Assessments were approved at:
Benton Hill Rd. Map 209 lot 9
1330 Jacob’s Ladder Rd. Map 213 lot 17
Applications for Disposal System construction Permit were approved at:
1330 Jacob’s Ladder Rd. Map 213 lot 17
119 Hamilton Rd. Map 217 lot 35
45 Bruce Roy Lane Map 204 lot 114
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
William S. Fuller