Becket Board of Health
Present: William Fuller
Ginger Conner
Absent: William Robinson
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM and the 7/15/09 Minutes and the 7/23/09 Department Payments to Treasurer were approved.
We will order the 2010 Becket-Washington Community Calendar.
A H1N1 Update from DPH was noted and filed.
An August 4th copy of a letter from DEP notes that the Becket General Store has agreed to the Administrative Consent Order.
DEP has conducted a Sanitary Survey of the Kushi Institute and has required several updates of system inspection logs and other activities.
Title 5 Inspections were conducted and approved at:
338 King Richard Drive Map 216 lot 261
173 Blackfoot Way Map 218 lot 105
1247 Main Street Map 413 lot 4
Percolation tests were conducted and approved at:
1247 Main Street Map 413 lot 4
972 County Road Map 401 lot 9
King Arthur Map 216 lot 683
An Application for a Disposal System Construction Permit was approved at 3211 Main Street (Map 207 lot 65).
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
William S. Fuller