Becket Board of Health
May 6, 2009
Present: William Fuller
William Robinson
Ginger Conner
The meeting opened at 7:00 PM. At 7:15 PM we were joined with Richard Moss of Camp Lenox and Bill Elovirta to discuss the revisions to camp policy that will allow the camp to open this year. Subject to a final copy of what has been submitted and approved by all concerned, Camp Lenox will proceed to get documentation of their staff.
Colleen O’Conner interrupted the meeting requesting a copy of a Title 5 Inspection of the Becket General Store. She was informed that we have not received it as of this time. She stated that the state DEP had a copy. We suggested that she get a copy from DEP.
The 4/15/09 minutes and the 4/24/09 Department Payments to Treasurer were approved.
The new Trench Permits were reviewed. They are available from the Building Inspector and must be obtained for percolation tests and septic installations.
The DEP has ruled that the Becket General Store needs a new water supply.
The MA Division of Professional Licensure informed local BOH of some changes in the licensing of funeral directors.
A listing of ServSafe workshops for certification was received and filed.
A Mosquito Control notification requires the town to publish a notice of spray applications.
A notice of a Title 5 seminar on May 15th was received and reviewed.
Many e-mail notifications from federal and state sources were reviewed. No action is necessary except to provide information concerning H1N1 flu to the general public.
A newsletter from the MA Attorney General was received with information on housing issues.
A Zoning Board of Appeals Notice of Publication in regard to 158 Long Bow Lane East was reviewed. No impacts on the septic systems or wells are shown so we will not comment.
Title 5 Inspection Reports were approved at 916 Quarry Road, Map 417 lot 54, and 830 Moberg, Map 218 lot 85.
The information materials provided to each Board of Health at the BCBOHA dinner meeting were shared with other members of the board.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
William S. Fuller