Present: William Robinson
Ginger Conner
Absent: William Fuller
The meeting was called to order at 7 PM.
No formal meeting was held on January 7 but Bill Robinson was in attendance—no visitors. The agenda was carried over to this meeting.
The 12/17/08 Minutes and the 12/31/08 Department Payments to Treasurer were approved.
The fuel oil release at 471 Benton Hill was noted and filed.
The sanitary survey of Uncle Larry’s Tavern was noted and filed.
A MEHA Seminar was noted and but not attended.
A letter from the DEP on the Gruber property (211-18) was reviewed in detail. The basic difference between the DEP and the septic design by Berkshire Engineering is that DEP regards the property is “new” while re regard the project as a “repair” or “upgrade”. Berkshire Engineering is working with DEP in the revision at the septic plan.
The request for 2008 Annual Town Report was noted and is in progress.
Soil Suitability Assessments were approved at:
Perch Close Map 413 lot 87
Mohawk Way Map 219 lot 259
86 Will Scarlet Drive Map 216 lot 823
A Title 5 Inspection at 48 Beech Tree Lane was approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 8 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
William S. Fuller