Town of Becket
557 Main Street
Becket, MA 01223
Monthly Meeting for Thursday, May 3, 2012
Call to Order: 7:11 PM
Present: Jeremy Dunn (JD), Ann Spadafora (AS); Steve LaBelle (SL), Dan Parnell (DP)
Absent: Chuck Andrews
Public: None
- Review and approve minutes for prior meetings
April 19, 2012 Minutes: Motion AS, Second DP, All Approve
- Correspondence and transfers
- Any last minute details for the Warrant
An explanation of the change in the warrant article concerning the Town Highway Budget was there was a reallocation of Holiday and Vacation between the 4 other Labor categories.
- Town Administrator updates
In relation to the speaking points for the FC for the ATM it should be brought out another reason to debt exclude the Dump Truck other than to keep level funding of debt payments which helps stabilize the on-going tax rates is that interest rates continue to be extremely low (.6%) and if they rise it can always be decided to pay off the debt early at the next ATM.
Adjourn: 8:55 PM