Town of Becket
557 Main Street
Becket, MA 01223
Meeting Minutes for Thursday, January 6, 2011
Called to Order: 7:00 P.M.
Present: Stephen L., Ann S., Jeremy D., Richard F., Dan P.
Absent: Chuck A.
Public Present: Kathy Hayn (Becket Tax Collector), Gale LaBelle
Note: The meeting started with a review of the workload requirements of the Town Tax Collector’s department and the need for additional staffing. Kathy H. gave an overview of the pressing demands placed upon the office because of changes in billings and staffing in recent years. The change to quarterly billings and the fact that only 30% of payments come through bank escrow accounts because of the significant part time resident home base with no mortgages has caused increased workloads because of phone volume and the continued manual processes for input into the separate financial systems. In addition, the delay of certification for billings from the DOR causing estimated billings causes confusion with the taxpayers and additional inquiries to be handled by the department. A full time and 1 part time
position is proving inadequate to properly service the town. Areas not being covered are the Tax Taking process for delinquent tax payers which has a direct effect on cash flow. It was agreed the situation needs a remedy. Richard will work with Kathy to determine the needed fix and impact on the current and next year Budget.
- Review and approve minutes for meeting of Dec 14, 2010
Motion: Jeremy Second: Dan
All Approved (a final copy of the minutes was requested to be forwarded to all members)
- Status of Community Block Grant (Berkshire Regional Planning)
No status change from last meeting
3. Contracts with non-profits (Atheneum,Arts Center,Center Pond Weed Pulling,Center
Pond Chemical Treatment). When are they due?
Contract is one page standard contract and it will be sent to each non-profit after the 2012 Appropriations are approved.
- Did Town get an engagement letter from Auditor for FY 2011
Done and signed
Excel worksheet ready. The Finance Committee will use the template that Tony Blair created for last years Budget. Needed is the accounting for the new Enterprise fund for the Ambulance Department. Dan to check with Amy. Dan will meet with Richard to note responsible parties for each Budget area in preparation for end of January submission deadlines.
- Remind all depts. To submit budgets by Jan 31, 2011
Will be done
7. Check status of Stablization Fund for H’way Dept.
Discussed possibility of separate stabilization funds for specific purposes. Overall issue is the need for increased funds in the stabilization account regardless of designation and this needs to be done with a focus over time as Free Cash becomes available.
8. Delivery date for new ambulance & H’way dump body
Delivered today, Jan 6th. Borrowings has not been done yet.
9. Public Input
10. Correspondence
Town of Dalton to the regional school district concerning budget increases for FY 2012.
11. Any other business
New well for Fire House has not been hooked up yet and will not be until after the Winter thaw. New energy audit for Town Hall and Town Garage will need to be done to shift grant monies from Salt Shed to Energy Efficiencies (per Regional Planning Guidance). Any meaningful energy saving projects could then be funded by Regional Planning and grant monies.
Budget Timeline:
Governor’s Budget due by end of January which will produce an estimated Cherry Sheet for 2012.
School Budget due by March 10th (an estimate of a 4% increase could be used as a starter)
Town Budget needs to be finalized by mid-April to allow for a 14 day posting before ATM.
Adjourned:8:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Dan Parnell
Approval: Stephen LaBelle________________________________