Town of Becket
557 Main Street
Becket, MA 01223
Meeting Minutes for TUESDAY December 14, 2010
Called to Order: 7:00 P.M.
Present: Ann S., Steve L., Jeremy D., Richard F., Dan P.
Absent: Chuck A.
Public Present: Representatives of the CB
RSD, Bill C & George F representing Becket Select Board
- Meet with School Board (CBRSD)
The CBRSD began by discussing possible scenario’s for the 2012 Budget. They reviewed key points in their Strategic Plan and went over critical projects for the CBRSD success which includes an improvement plan which included the topic of declining enrollment as a key topic.
Key topics discussed included vocational pathways and the district’s tight collaborations with Berkshire Community College. The concern of the “choice out” of students outweighing the “choice in” (180 out vs 110 in) causing a loss of the student population was discussed at length (Becket’s concern is that most of this is caused by the Becket population – believed to be coming from the West Becket area primarily – possible reasons being geographical challenges of school locations vs localities where parents worked). Vocational selection was also addressed as an issue as non-district schools market their strong programs to potential students very effectively. There are major capital projects concerning energy efficiencies and certain older building structures
highlighted to be addressed in the 5 year plan. A specific challenge in the coming year is the re-negotiation of the union contracts for the CBRSD. It was highlighted by the Becket Board that the town employees have gone without pay increases for the past 2 years due to the economic times and it should be highlighted to the teachers unions that increases in compensation at this time sends mixed messages to the towns that support the school district. Other discussions concerned the balancing of decreasing enrollment vs government budget subsidy declines vs finding new revenue sources to support specific valued initiatives vs cost eliminations in the school budgets. Overall the CBRSD Board realizes the need to costs and budgets as low and efficient as possible without jeopardizing the quality of education for the students.
The 2012 Budget Timeline was reviewed. Key Dates: Feb 10th - Tentative Budget; Feb 17th – Public Hearing; March 10th – Final Budget.
2.. Review and approve minutes for meeting of Nov 2, 2010
Motion: Ann Second: Dan
- Status of Community Block Grant (Berkshire Regional Planning)
Submitted on Dec 10.
- Contracts with non-profits (Becket Athenaeum; Arts Center; Center Pond Weed Pulling; Center Pond Chemical Treatment)
Boiler plate one page form was created that is generic and can be utilized by all non-profits. It will delineate that services are rendered for the support fees from the town.
- Bids for well at Fire Station #1 – cost of closing existing well.
Closing old well estimated at $2,500. New well is pumping 30 gls/ min. Extra costs were incurred over estimate due to additional casing and a deeper well.
- Did Town get an engagement letter from Auditor for FY 2011
Need to get the correct file from Tony’s file to save a complete recreation. (Post note – file found)
- All depts. To submit budgets by Jan 31, 2011
All notified.
9. Any other business
One change to the format of the 2012 Budget was highlighted. The Road and Lake Tax Districts are administered by the town and reimbursed by the districts. These reimbursements predominantly represent wages to town employees. These wages are not included in the approved Articles at the Annual Town Meeting. At the Auditors recommendation, even though they are reimbursed and are a net “0” to the town they should be listed and approved.
Possible 2012 Budget changes were highlighted by Richard Furlong. These will be included in the 2012 Budget file.
Transfers needed. $2,000 from Reserve to cover excess cost of demolition at 87 Black Arrow Way. This was an emergency demolition of a condemned structure that was apparently inhabited. The town department had a budget of $4,000. The bid cost was $8,700. The excess of $2,700 will be covered by the Board of Health budgets and the remaining from Reserve.
Motion: Jeremy Second: Dan
The remaining Finance Meeting dates were highlighted as Jan 6, Feb 3, Feb 17, Mar 3, Mar 17, April 7, Apr 21, May 5, and June 8. All meetings start at 7 PM at Town Hall.
Meeting adjourned at ??. Note: I didn’t note the time, does anyone have the time or I will use an estimate of 8:45PM.