Town of Becket Finance Committee
June 10, 2010 Minutes
FinCom Present: Mike Falk, Steve LaBelle, Ann Spadafora
FinCom Absent: Dan Parnell
Also Present: Jeremy Dunn (newly appointed)
Public: Madeleine Swindlehurst
Meeting was called to order at 7.00 pm
1. Minutes: Minutes of April 15 & 29, 2010 were approved.
2. Appointment of Jeremy Dun to FinCom - approved.
3. Election of FinCom Officers for FY 2011: Chair - Steve LaBelle, Vice Chair - Ann Spadafora,
Clerk - Dan Parnell (pending his acceptance).
4. Review follow up to TASKS from prior meeting - no tasks.
5. BRD Update: Tony Blair was contacted by BRD's counsel requesting a meeting with Becket Town Counsel. Meeting was cancelled.
6. FY 2010 Budget - Actual vs. Approved Budget: FY 2010 Ambulance Dept account has the only overage. There will be adjustment at the Special Town Meeting on June 26, 2010. FinCom voted unanimously to transfer needed funds from the Stablization Account to Ambulance Account for the balance of FY 2010.
7. FY 2010 Special Town Meeting - June 26, 2010 at 7.00 pm - needs to be posted.
8. FY 2011 Final Budget as approved at Annual Town Meeting: Per TB 2 changes -
- Mosquito Control was voted down and will save $23,000
- 2 school choice students for Monument Mountain School - debit of $10,000
9. Reserve Fund and other transfers - none.
10. Public Input: None.
11. FY 2011 FinCom Meetings scheduled - TASK: Ask Town Clerk to post.
(July - Jan - first Thursday of each month; thereafter Feb 3, 17, Mar 3,17, April 7,21, May 5)
12. Review of Tony Blair's performance re. financial matters: At Select Board Meeting of June 2,
2010 FinCom members signed a letter to the Select Board - stated it would discuss TB's contributions at next FinCom meeting and that TB had attended all FinCom meetings but two in the past year. Mike asked if FinCom wanted to send its input to the Select Board prior to the June 22, 2010 meeting. All in favor stating TB had been an outstanding administrator. Jeremy suggested that Mike would draft the letter on behalf of the FinCom expressing unanimous support of TB's performance over the last year.
13. FY 2010 Tax Rate - Established at $7.95 per $1,000 of assessed value.
14. Outstanding Grant Applications: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - at $997,938.
15. Chp. 90 Excavator aquisition and 3-year lease/finance: Jeremy stated that discussion at the
last Select Board meeting on June 9, 2010 delegated a member to find a leasing company.
Without a secure figure a leasing company was found at a cost of $550 - Select Board felt
some other excavator companies might have their own leasing arms - why no choose the low
bidder? Thery decided to nominate George Fuller to review bids and decide with TB what to do.
16. DOR's response to Overlay Reserve Surplus: Per TB - the DOR would not respond in writing to
TB's letter nor would it give advice but advised a conservative approach.
17. Land Auction results and classification/use of net proceeds: Proceeds were $180,900 net.
Meeting adjourned at 8.00 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Ann G. Spadafora
Clerk - Pro tem.