Town of Becket
Finance Committee
July 8, 2010
Meeting Minutes
Steve, Ann, Dan
Public Present:
Jeanne Robinson
Called to order at 7:40 P.M.
Agenda Item:
1. Minutes of June 10, 2010: Motion to accept made by Steve and were approved by Ann and Steve.
2. Impact of Tony Blair’s departure: Steve queried all members present if Tony Blair’s departure would impact their functioning with the selectmen to conduct town business. All individually agreed there would be no impact on conducting business with the selectmen on behalf of the town.
3. Overlay Reserve Surplus: It was recognized that $125,000 of the assessors overlay for the “pole tax” was released. Monies will have to be certified as “Free Cash”. Task: Inquiry as to when this will be certified by DOR. Separately noted was the $180,000 proceeds from the land auction and when that would also be certified as “Free Cash”
4. Meeting with Select Board : see item 5.
5. End of FY 2010 transfers: A list of transfers (attached) were reviewed for approval. A question arose as to the meanings of negative transfers – are these over-budget situations of each department, if so explanations should be given as to the reasoning behind being over-budget.
5. Transfers were approved. These were later approved with the Select Board. A verbal explanation was given to the main overages. These should be documented and attached with the transfers. One transfer reasoning was still unknown. Task: Steve to follow up.
6. Vote to allow FinCom Chair to approve end of year transfers: This was discussed and the opinion of the majority was not to allow this so as to not place the chair in any situation where they may feel pressured to sign of on any questionable transfers without input from the whole committee. A vote was tabled until the next meeting when all members will be present.
7. Update on BRD: No additional news was available.
8. Public input: No additional input
9. Meeting adjourned at 8:51 PM