Town of Becket Finance Committee
March 4, 2010 Minutes
Present: Ann, Amy, Steve, Jeremy
Also present: Mike (via telephone); Tony Blair
Meeting was called to order @ 7:05pm
- Minutes of 2/18/10 FinCom approved
- Follow-up on tasks from 2/18/10 FinCom
- TB – get input from Boards & Commissions for which reductions are proposed. IN PROGRESS
- TB – Dog Officer salary survey from other Berkshire towns. DONE.
TB presented the newly-collected data. Becket has the highest cost-per-dog and highest cost-per-resident of 17 town surveyed, and 5th-highest cost-per-square-mile for Dog Collector.
MF suggested TB ask current Dog Officer for feedback on this data
AS suggested we ask for an activity log
TB says much of the activity is not dog-related; it is for other animal issues; outside the scope of official Dog Officer duties
AF suggests moving Dog Officer responsibility to Police Dept.
TB pointed out that Dog office is an Annual appointment of the Town Admin
MF suggests writing Dog Officer a memo, giving him a chance to offer any other evidence that might support current salary
AF pointed out we should at least notify him of the proposed cuts
TASK: TB agreed to notify all Dept/Board/Commission/Persons that we propose to cut
- TB & AS. Reserve-transfer paperwork from 2/18/10 transfer. DONE
- TB. Follow-up on 75% reimbursement for Veteran Agent transfer, with State. IN PROGRESS
- TB. Follow-up with Lenny Tisdale re Highway overtime – STILL OPEN
No changes to report. BRD – nothing to report. Land Auction – part of FY2011 discussion
TB proposes to transfer $1,170 from Reserve Fund -> Tax Title
Tax Title is currently overdrawn $415.90. There is some additional work to close out action on a few large parcels owned by Properties of America, plus 4 smaller property owners want payment-plans drafted. After these items are completed, TB will instruct attorney to take no further action in FY2010.
$14,000 Reserve budget approved
- 1,200 Veteran’s agent transfer
- 1,170 Tax title
= $11,630 remaining. Transfer was approved Unanimously.
- FY2011 3rd-draft budget review
- Free Cash. Can it be budgeted?
Town Acct. says not to budget amounts that are not yet certified. OK to budget certified Free Cash.
TASK: TB to put expected $57,382 in Free Cash line of budget
SL suggests using free cash for new equipment-related stabilization acct
TB & JD suggest using free cash to offset the tax rate
- Land Auction. When to hold; and can we budget the revenue?
DOR says we can do it either way.
QUESTION: can revenue be budgeted in same year it is received? Long discussion did not yield an answer
TASK: JD and/or TB to call DOR to get definitive answer.
* IF revenue may NOT be recognized in year sold, this is argument to sell in FY2010
* IF revenue MAY be recognized in year sold, this is argument to sell in FY2011 and include (conservative) amount of revenue in budget.
TASK: TB to include Ambulance Dept. Reserved Receipts account in Budget draft for FinCom review; but not for ATM
TASK: TB to get details of Parks & Recreation budget. How are funds spent?
TASK: TB to find out how Public Safety Inspection funds are spent?
TASK: TB to include Recycling Revenue and any other Transfer Station income (e.g. annual permits, bag stickers) in budget
- Select Board input on budget
Only George & John were present. Suggested Dog Officer might be difficult to find at lower salary level; should not cut Fire Expenses. Don’t seem to be worried about tax rate increase.
- Cherry Sheet might be cut less than 10% as currently budgeted
- ATM might decide to cut Mosquito Control as TB proposes
- Other revenue sources? Seems unlikely
- Less than 15% reduction in Local Receipts, as currently budgeted
Highway Dept, Town Hall, Fire Station #2 & Ambulance Garage, Fire Station #1 had electrical audit. WMECO will pay 70% of retrofit costs. Balance to be paid by 24 mos. Loan. Payback period ranges from 12 mos. for FS2/AG, to 43 mos. for Town Hall. FS #1 payback is too long (59 mos.).
TB announced he intends to proceed with retrofit of lighting to save long-term electric costs
ATM is 5/8. Warrant must be posted at least 7 days in advance.
FinCom meetings on 3/18, 4/1, 4/15. Mike will be present at all three meetings. Amy will miss 3/18.
3/18 –Invite any Boards & Commissions with proposed cuts, to discuss budget
4/1 – final discussion & vote.
4/15 – as needed.
Adjourn at 9:00pm
Respectfully Submitted
Jeremy Dunn