Town of Becket Finance Committee
February 4, 2010 Minutes
FinCom Members Present: Ann Spadafora, Amy Fyden, Steve LaBelle, Jeremy Dunn
Also Present: Tony Blair, Mike Falk via telephone
The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.
- Minutes of 1/7/2010 Approved
- Follow-ups from Jan 7 minutes
- Feb 4 meeting was posted as joint with Select Board (although no SB members present)
- 3Q2010 estimated tax bills were mailed 2/4/10.
- Auditors will come week of Feb 8th. The discrepancy found by Amy Lane appears to be ~$40k. There are no suspicious items; just not able to understand prior bookkeeping. No shortfall is anticipated. Allowance has been made in free-cash estimate in case this issue is not resolved before FY09 free-cash is certified by Mass. DOR
Land Auction is planned for July 2010 as noted, so revenue can be budgeted in FY 2011
- no new information since last meeting
- no free cash estimate from Amy yet. Hopefully within weeks. Expected not to be greater than $30k. Currently $25k is in FY2011 budget.
- Current status of open BRD invoices (ice-storm cleanup)
Tony advised FinCom of recent discussions on this subject. Expectation is no further costs in FY2010. Some costs are possible in FY2011, which are included in current budget draft. Town counsel is involved in the process, and is working on recommended course of action in conjunction with Tony.
- Review FY2011 first draft budget
TB presented the first budget draft in detail. Each line was reviewed. In general, budgets are held at FY2010 levels where possible. No salary increases are proposed. Some costs such as Health Insurance, Vocational Tuition & Transportation, County Retirement, etc. are beyond our control. CBRSD board is voting tonight (2/4/10) on their budget; first draft CBRSD budget is expected before 2/18 FinCom meeting.
- TB to get input from any boards and commissions for which he proposes budget reductions. In general, these reductions are to bring budgets in line with actual FY09 / FY10 expenses.
- TB to review Dog Officer salary, and get input from other towns
- TB to check Postage acct v. Tax Collector Expense acct. Is there any overlap?
- TB to adjust Debt Exclusion for Yokum Pond Rd. bridge repair. Interest & principal should be split over 2 years as previously planned.
- TB to speak with Becket Athenaeum Treasurer re proposed FY2011 budget reduction to FY09 level. FY2010 had one-time supplement to offset income reduction due to recession.
- Impact of Principal Assessor announced retirement on FY2011 budget
TB has already determined that other assessors are not interested in Principal Assessor position. This position involves substantial interaction with State officials, and is necessary for correct functioning of the assessor’s office.
Sue Donnelly feels a new Principal Assessor could be hired at her current salary level. Based on this, first draft FY2011 budget for Assessor Salaries is unchanged from FY2010
Recommendation : now is a good time to review Assessor office staff positions and determine if any changes are needed.
- Impact of Fire Dept. fee increase on FY2011 budget
These fees are small and overall revenues are minimal. No impact on FY2011 budget
Given uncertainly in CBRSD, State funding, etc. the budget is currently extremely cautious. As more information becomes available, appropriate adjustments will be made.
There was no public input.
Next meeting is Feb 18th. Mike will join via telephone again.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeremy Dunn