Town of Becket Finance Committee
June 11, 2009 Minutes
Present: Mike Falk, Ann Spadafora, Steve LaBelle, Jeremy Dunn
Absent: Amy Fyden
Also Present: Richard Furlong, Bill Cavanaugh, Maddy Elovirta, Jim Brown (Becket YMCA)
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.
- Minutes of 5/7/09 FinCom approved with minor correction to #8.
- Review of FY2010 warant
- RichardF reports no substantive changes thus far
- Senate budget funding for Becket is $30k less than House budget. We have some leeway if they split the difference.
- Reserve Account Transfers
- $2,500 to Ambulance Expense Acct – Approved. ($2,000 is for writing the grant application for a new ambulance)
- $800 to Board of Appeals – Approved
Reserve Account balance after (2) transfers is $4,197
- Approval of Select Board transfers
The first three transfers are to pay out accrued sick time for retiring Town Admin:
- $2,000 from Accounting Services to Admin Salary – Approved
- $5,000 from Transfer Station to Admin Salary – Approved
- $2,000 from Postage to Admin Salary – Approved
- $1,051 from Advertising to Town Report – Approved
- Update on Ice Storm cleanup
- RichardF reports the cost will be at the high end of the estimate (7-8,000 cu. yds).
- Another company has been engaged, at the same rate as the first company. First company lacks sufficient manpower & equipment. New company was the 2nd-lowest bidder. They have better tree-removal rates, and more experience with FEMA-reporting. They will do GPS-tagging of every tree that has been removed, to support FEMA/MEMA reimbursement.
- Work will be done by July 15.
- RichardF and LennyT believe it will be within budget. Lenny is tracking hauled-away quantities.
Contractor has created a demolition plan that must be approved by National Park Service since Walker Brook is Wild and Scenic stream. Also must be approved by MassHighway but no issues expected. Approval expected within 1 week, then work can begin.
Select Board awarded project to lowest bidder – approximately $221,000. They will wait till Sept. to begin work, as specified in the bid.
Ambulance, Fire Engine, and Exhaust grants have been sent to Washington. No news on any, which is good (they haven’t been rejected). All grants will be peer-reviewed by specialists looking for missing items. We cannot lobby for the grants, but we can request our elected representatives to offer their support.
TASK: TonyB to send letter to Rep. Olver and Sens. Kerry & Kennedy requesting their support
TASK: Ambulance dept. to think about capital needs for FY2011 if grant is not approved
MaddyE is working on grant to replace Fire Station #1. Becket has 30 days to complete the application. It’s a long shot, but worth trying. Grant request is $1M. Town can opt to repay 5% or 0%, but chances are better if we offer to repay 5%. We’d have 36 months to build if approved. This is federal stimulus money – they are looking for “shovel-ready” projects but might accept others. Maddy researched USDA grants but Becket does not qualify due to higher income levels. To qualify for the grant, we must prove the existing building is no longer viable. The building inspector will write that Station #1 cannot be expanded or improved due to crumbling cinder-block foundation.
If the grant were approved, need to find a place for equipment during construction. Fire engines full of water cannot remain outdoors during winter.
TASK: SteveL to send Maddy info on Berkshire private grant funds available to towns
TASK: Fire Dept to develop estimates for repairs to Station #1 if grant is not approved
No new information. RichardF suggests that TonyB join Mass Municipal Association to get data
- Roof on Fire Station #2
- Handicap Accessibility for voting in Town Hall.
TASK: RichardF to give prioritized list to TonyB
- CBRSD Review Committee report
- Dr. Harlan has resigned effective June 30. No replacement yet.
- Dr. Harlan requested the Bond Council to make a determination on who is reponsible for payments if Becket-Washington school is closed. They named CBRSD as responsible. Not clear if this is definitive or if it would stand up in court. Even if CBRSD is responsible, they could pass the bond payment costs to towns on a proportional basis. Becket would mainly be responsible.
- If the school were closed, guess is that many kids would choice-out to towns outside the district
- Windsor elementary school closing also being discussed. Windsor school has more support from parents, and also possibility of increased enrollments from schools slated to close in neighboring towns in other districts
- Becket doesn’t have enough kids for our own school district (elem + middle + high). Not enough resources to provide good education at higher grade levels.
- Not clear how strong the coalition to close Becket-Washington school is, but we need to keep a very close eye on the situation
- CBRSD Transportation article
This was not approved by the towns
- Tax Exclusions for YMCA Camp
Jim Brown, Chief Operations Officer of Becket Chimney Corners YMCA camp was present for the discussion.
Question: since the camp houses employees’ families in their buildings, is that in alignment with non-profit status? It is for the Becket Assesors to make an initial determination. Jim offered to help with research.
Question: Would the camp be willing to increase their donations in lieu of taxes? Jim says they are working on Rudd Dam remediation per DEP/Dam Safety, and are short of funds.
TASK: JimBrown to research issue as noted above.
- Suggestions for Financial Review
In addition to #14 above, FinCom reviewed the following list of suggestions for Tony Blair, and agreed that time permitting they are all worthy of research and review:
- Review of Tax Title and plan for auction(s) in FY 2010
- Create a Deferred Maintenance listing with itemized estimated cost
- Review Ambulance Salary account shortfall and recommend FY2011/FY2012 appropriations
- Review last CPA Audit & Management Letter and recommend policy/practice improvements
- Submit a FY2011/FY2012 Capital Expenditure Plan
- Identify Grant Writing potential opportunities
- Update Employee Wage Ranges comparison with similar towns
- Evaluate the financial impact if the CBRSD closes the Becket Washington School
- Review fees and recommend changes if appropriate
- Estimate the Tax rate impact in FY2011/FY2012/FY2013(?) on the Yokum Pond Bridge replacement debt-exclusion loan repayment
- Assist in Community Development Block Grant preparation and prioritize elections if we are successful
- Work with Community Preservation Fund committee to prioritize what to fund.
There was no public input.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:17 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeremy Dunn