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Finance Committee Agenda 6/11/09
Town of Becket
Finance Committee
June 11, 2009

  • May 7, 2009 Minutes
  • Review update of FY 2010 Warrant
  • Transfers from Reserve Fund(Richard)
  • Transfers between accounts approved by Board of Selectmen(Richard)
  • Update on Ice Storm Cleanup cost(Richard)
  • Update on Yokum Pond Road Bridge replacement and estimated cost(Richard)
  • Update on Ambulance Grant (Maddy)
  • Proposal for Grant to renovate/rebuild Fire Station #1(Maddy)
  • Additional  results of Survey on Town Administrator salaries(Richard)
  • Updates to Building Repairs list to support $25,000 appropriation
  • Central Berkshire Regional Agreement Review Committee
  • Suggestions for financially related projects for Tony Blair:  July –Dec 2009
  • Review of Tax Title and plan for auction(s) in FY 2010
  • Review questionable non-profit property tax exclusions (e g Y Camp)
  • Create a Deferred Maintenance listing with itemized estimated cost
  • Review Ambulance Salary account shortfall and recommend  FY2010/FY2011 appropriations
  • Review last CPA Audit & Management Letter and recommend policy/practice improvements
  • Submit a FY2011/FY2012 Capital Expenditure Plan
  • Identify Grant Writing potential opportunities
  • Update Employee Wage Ranges comparison with similar towns
  • Evaluate the financial impact if the CBRSD closes the Becket Washington School
  • Review fees and recommend changes if appropriate
  • Estimate the Tax rate impact in FY2011/FY2013/FY2014(?) on the Yokum Pond Bridge replacement debt-exclusion loan repayment
  • Public Input