Becket Conservation Commission
Becket Town Hall 557 Main St.
Becket, MA 01223
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Present: Purr McEwen, Acting Chair; Marty Winters and Bud Moylan, Commissioners; Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner and Agent
Absent: Scott Morley, Chair; Richard Pryor, Vice Chair
Ms. McEwen opened the meeting at 6:27 PM.
1. Approval of Minutes of December 15, 2011 meeting.
Motion by Mr. Moylan to approve the December 15, 2011 minutes.
Second by Mr. Winters
Unanimous approval
2. Continued Notice of Intent Conservation Group, Inc. Barry Fogel, Esq.
Center Pond Dam Map 210 Lots 28, 30 34 DEP #102-0372 Maintenance,
Repair and improvement of Center Pond Dam
Applicant requested a continuance until the February 16, 2012 meeting.
Motion by Ms. McEwen to continuance until the February 16, 2012 meeting with
the applicant’s consent.
Second by Mr. Moylan
Unanimous approval
3. Certificate of Compliance Richard Polacek 360 Sherwood Drive Map 215
Lot 194 DEP #102-0194
Ms. Vsetecka noted that the applicant has complied with the Order of Conditions.
Motion by Ms. McEwen to approve the Certificate of Compliance.
Second by Mr. Winters
Unanimous approval
4. Certificate of Compliance Carl Sastram 65 Alder Lane Map 413 Lot 10
DEP #102-0304
Ms. Vsetecka stated the applicant has complied with the Order of Conditions.
Motion by Ms. McEwen to approve the Certificate of Compliance
Second by Mr. Moylan
Unanimous approval
5. Administrative
a. Ms. Vsetecka noted that a notice was received from DEP in regards to an Extension of the Emergency Wetland Certification for the Route 20 culvert
over Palmer Brook
b. Ms. Vsetecka presented a budget for the next fiscal year. It is level funded.
Motion by Ms. McEwen to approve the budget as presented.
Second by Mr. Winters
Unanimous approval
c. Ms. Vsetecka noted the Keystone Project program –no one cares to apply.
Motion by Ms. McEwen at 6:50 PM to adjourn
Second by Mr. Moylan
Unanimous approval
Respectfully submitted:
Kathleen Vsetecka
Kathy Vsetecka Date
Bud Moylan Date
Marty Winters Date
Purr McEwen Date
Richard Pryor Date
Scott Morley Date