Becket Conservation Commission ~ Minutes
Dec 16, 2010
~ The Meeting is called to order at 6:28 PM.
Commissioners Present: Scott Morley, Chair; Richard Pryor, Vice Chair; Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner and Agent; Bud Moylan. ~ Member absent: Marty Winters; Purr McEwen |
1. Approval of minutes of November 18, 2010 meeting.
Motion by Bud to approve the minutes, seconded by Rich, all in favor.
2. Request for Determination of Applicability Scott Pinkus Tyringham Rd. Map 404 lot 6 Footbridge over Shales Brook Mark Volk, Foresight Land Services representing.
Applicant wants to put the two log bridge back over the stream which will not alter any wetlands. His intention is to use it for personal use; the property is marked at private. He wants to be able to walk the property and cross the stream (too small a bridge for an ATV). The other stream has stepping stones that he can use to cross. Kathy stated that whenever there is a bridge over wetlands, a permit is required. This isn’t over wetlands, it is over a river. However the building inspector said a permit will be needed. Any bridge over 3 feet requires handrails but this bridge will be under that. It was agreed that people—the commission—had permission to go on the property.
Motion to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability made by Bud with the condition that the footbridge is approved by the building department and the Commission be notified when it is completed for inspection, seconded by Rich, all in favor.
3. Administrative
a. Budget
This year’s budget presentation: Kathy’s salary , $5500, Martie’s salary, $600, MACC Dues, $150, Site Inspection Seminars $150, Office Supplies $275, Workshops, $800 and Ads (the money is sent to the Commission but the money is deposited in the General Fund and then is taken out of the Commission’s account to pay for the ad) $450.
Scott motioned to approve the budget as presented, seconded by Rich, all in favor.
b. Annual Report
The annual report is being worked on.
c. Becket Woods
Becket Woods Community Property removed old wooden steps and constructed new ones within 50’ of the water altering the area; therefore, they are in violation. No erosion controls were implemented. Jurisdiction in this case is buffer zone. DEP will not take action on this because it is only in the buffer zone. Kathy wrote a letter to Mr. Amato informing him as such. Beech Tree and Access Road had culverts put in which require rip rap.
d. Other
Rich won’t be here for the January and March meetings, Bud will not be here for the March and April meetings.
4. Other business
Motion to close by Scott, seconded by Kathy, all in favor. Meeting adjourned 6:48 PM.
Scott Morley, Chair Date
Richard Pryor, Vice Chair Date
Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner/Agent Date
Bud Moylan, Commissioner Date
Purr McEwen, Commissioner Date
Marty Winters, Commissioner Date
Respectfully Submitted,
Martie Martin