Becket Conservation Commission ~ Minutes
July 15, 2010 ~ The Meeting is called to order at 6:34 PM. ~ Commissioners Present: Richard Pryor, Vice Chair; Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner and Agent; Bud Moylan; Purr McEwen ~ Members absent: Scott Morley, Marty Winters |
- Approval of Minutes of 6/17/2010
Motion to approve minutes made by Bud, seconded by Purr, Richard, Kathy, Bud, Rich, Purr in favor.
2. Continued Notice of Intent John Amato Becket Woods Road and Maintenance District Beech Tree Lane 407 Replacement/installation of culverts
The NOI will be withdrawn and a new one submitted because DEP only got one of the NOIs from Becket Woods. The Commission voted on what they thought was Access Lane but the District put down Beech Tree. So the Order needs to be rescinded and the process will need to be restarted with two new NOIs. One is to be withdrawn and the Commission will be working with the other one on item number seven.
3. Request for Determination of Applicability (Cotter Michael) Paul Costelloe 274
Brooker Hill Road Map 206 lot 4 Replacement of deck piers
The existing deck is above grade about seven feet and is likely to fail and therefore they want to install a new one. Six piers will be moved and replaced roughly two feet while the two piers closest to the house will stay where they are now. The jurisdictional area is riverfront. The piers that are being moved are moving closer to the house, farther from the river. The deck is 110 feet from the river. To stabilize the slope of the area, the Commission would like to see some planting done.
Purr motioned for a Negative Determination of Applicability at the Brooker Hill site with the condition that there be native plantings done after the piers have been installed to stabilize the slope of the soil with Becket Standard Conditions, seconded by Bud, all in favor Kathy, Bud, Purr and Richard in favor.
4. Notice of Intent David and Lynn Brewer 92 Will Scarlet Map 216 lot 413 DEP #102-364
Upgrade septic system and construct house foundation; work within the 100 fee of the buffer
Ann Bruzzi from Berkshire Engineering representing. David Brewer and his contractor Jean Godbout also present. A septic system is upgrade and while they were working on the septic system they decided to raise the house with a full eight foot concrete foundation. Currently the structure is on piers and cement block. The thought is too raise the structure up so they don’t hit groundwater below. The resource areas include land under water from Robin Hood Lake as well as the bank. At the site meeting, questions from the Commission were addressed. The trees that are scheduled to be removed are marked. The removal is partly because they are either dying or dead and one that interferes with the house itself. Approval from the Board of Health has been received.
The septic system includes a jet back system which enhances the outgoing quality when it leaves the septic tank. It is within 25 feet of the lake which is allowable under Title Five with a variance approval. There will be a silt fence in the back of the house. Opened for public comment, none made.
Motion to approve made by Purr as per the plan with Becket Standard Conditions seconded by
Bud, all in favor, Purr, Bud, Kathy and Rich.
5. Request for Certificate of Compliance Philomena Goodwin 182 Goodwin Road
Map 210 lot 25 DEP# 102-307
This has been lingering because it was never reported in the beginning but everything he was suppose to do including plantings have been done for two years.
Purr motioned to issue a Certificate of Compliance, seconded by Bud, all in favor: Purr, Bud, Kathy and Rich.
6. Request for Certificate of Compliance Town of Becket Yokum Pond Rd. Map
409 town road DEP# 102-333
Work that needed to be done was completed.
Purr motioned to issue a Certificate of Compliance to the Town of Becket for the Yokum Pond Bridge, seconded by Bud, all in favor, Purr, Bud, Kathy and Rich.
7. Rescinding and reissuing Order of Conditions on Becket Wood Farmstead/
Access Road Map 407 lot 8 (Clerical Error)
DEP thought the applicant was commenting on Beech Tree Lane while the Commission thought they were commenting on Farmstead. Due to the mix-up, the Order must be rescinded and the process restarted.
Purr motioned to rescind the Order, Bud seconded, all in favor. Purr, Bud, Kathy and Rich.
8. Updates on any Enforcement Orders
1. Eleanor Thomas 301 Beech Tree Lane Map 407 lot 72
On Wednesday at 8 a.m. a preconstruction meeting will be held and anyone who can make it, please come.
2. Becket Woods
The area where there was stone in the wetlands has been cleaned out.
9. Report on Aquatic Plant Survey for spring/early summer 1010 Center Pond
Material is available to be read. Mercedes Gallagher wasn’t able to attend the meeting. In a discussion with Mercedes, Purr learned that she and Aquatic Control Technologies felt herbicidal control was no longer necessary for this year and she is convinced that it is forever more, that hand pulling can control the weeds. Once the NOI is done, they are no longer required to do the spring and fall surveys, saving them $2500 a season.
10. Emergency Permits if any
There was a request for the installation of a beaver water flow device claiming it was an emergency. However, there has to be an actual emergency at the time the Emergency Certificate is issued. The installation is actually requested because it “could” affect someone in the future. Kathy wrote back that an emergency permit cannot be permitted because of the regulations, it is not an emergency.
11. Administrative business
- A report was submitted by Sherwood Forest’s Aquatic Management Program and is available to be read.
- Jastremski is working with Farmington River Watershed Association and he wants the Commission to look at any crossings that are of concern to the community because of flooding or other problems.
- George Roberts e-mail re open meeting law changes.
- Signing of papers.
A motion to close the meeting made by Purr, seconded by Budd, all in favor. Purr, Bud, Kathy and Rich. Meeting closed 7:04.
Scott Morley, Chair Date
Richard Pryor, Vice Chair Date
Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner/Agent Date
Bud Moylan, Commissioner Date
Purr McEwen, Commissioner Date
Marty Winters, Commissioner Date
Nina Weiler, Commissioner Date