Becket Conservation Commission ~ Minutes
May 20, 2010 ~ The Meeting is called to order at 6:30 PM. ~ Commissioners Present: Purr McEwen, Chair; Scott Morley, Vice Chair; Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner and Agent; Bud Moylan; Marty Winters; Richard Pryor ~ Member absent: Nina Weiler |
- Approval of the April 15, 2010 minutes
Marty moved to approve, Rich seconded, approved by Purr, Scott, Kathy, Bud
2. Continued Notice of Intent John Amato Becket Woods Road and Maintenance
District Beech Tree Lane Map 407 Installation of a culvert
Motion to be continued with applicants consent to June 17 made by Purr, seconded by Scott, approved by Richard, Marty, Kathy and Bud.
3. Continued Notice of Intent John Amato -Becket Woods Road and Maintenance
District Access Road/Farmstead Road Map 213 lot 11/2 Replacement of a culvert DEP
Documents submitted: Becket Woods Access Road, Site Plan Becket Woods Road and Maintenance District 5/18/10, USGS Stream Stats 5/18/10, Streamstat/flow report 518/10
Berkshire Engineering, Mike Kulig, representing. A steel pipe will be replaced with a concrete one. A wetland has been delineated on one side of the road. Some of the area was reinforced with riprap to stabilize the area. According to the stream stats there is a perennial stream running into the pond. The proposal is to repair the culvert. Kathy read the DEP comments (on file). The project is in the riverfront around 147 -150 feet. According to DEP, because this project is in the riverfront area an NOI needs to be submitted. Mr. Kulig pointed to a section of the law on grandfathering that states that the maintenance of existing structures are allowed and this is an existing culvert to which the Commission agreed. The commission
is requesting that the project be completed in one day.
Scott motioned to approve the NOI with the following conditions: to include Becket Standard Conditions and the removal and replacement is be done in one work day, Purr seconded, approved by Richard Marty, Kathy, Bud.
4. Review of restoration plan for 96 King Richard Drive Map 217 lots 220-224
Mike Kulig, Berkshire Engineering, Mr. and Mrs. Grace present.
Previous contractors did unauthorized work and were eventually let go. Mike submitted a restoration plan outlining the wetland line and the buffer that is to be restored. The current configuration consists of steep grades subject to erosion and areas around the house with poor drainage. The plan includes boulder retaining walls to make the grading less obvious. There is a constant seep coming from Route 20 that also need to be addressed. Restoration of hatched area was to be restored and replanted with native plants done up to the property line. Contouring work will also be done.
Motion by Scott to accept the restoration plan with the following conditions: owner’s permission to go on the property to inspect the restoration work, owners will return July 15th with photos of the restoration, and Berkshire Engineering be retained for consultation, seconded by Purr, approved by Richard, Marty, Kathy and Bud
5. Request for Determination of Applicability Stuart and June Feigenblatt 34
Sitting Bull Map 218 lot 56 Construction of a garage Documents submitted: Feigenblatt,
a letter authorizing Preston Webb to represent them, Plot Plan August 2009 Kelly, Granger Parsons & Associates, Inc. They are looking to remove 6 mature trees along with smaller brush and build a 30 X 30 attached garage with a 65’ setback from a wet area in the back. He outlined on the map where the work will be done along with the erosion controls (straw bales and silt fence). The excavated material will be used on the exterior of the foundation for better grading.
A motion was made by Purr to issue a Negative DOA with the Becket Standard Conditions, seconded by Richard, approved by Marty, Scott, Kathy and Bud in favor.
6. Update on Enforcement Order for Beech Tree Lane Map 407 lot 140—issued to Becket Woods Road and Maintenance District and Scott Miller
There was an Enforcement Order issued to remove material from the wetland which needed to be submitted by today and within 15 days of acceptance by the Commission it needs to be acted on. Previously an NOI had been submitted to address some of the gravel in the wetland. There was a steel pipe under the four culverts. Mike Kulig, Berkshire Engineering submitted a Site Restoration Plan (as well as two pictures of the washout) There was also a document showing how the erosion originally occurred. In response to the Enforcement, Berkshire Engineering submitted a plan showing how the material will be removed. One of the things they will be taking into consideration while inserting the pipe is the current beaver dam. They will align the outside edge
with the silt fence and have an excavator on the road with a bucket reaching in to remove the material. Seeing this is good road material, it will be stockpiled outside the resource or buffer zone to be used in the future as fill. Once done, an NOI will be submitted for the installation of a culvert. Mr. Kulig is requesting to leave some of the material in place to avoid another washout prior to the insertion of the culverts. The commission prefers that the material be removed.
A motion to accept the restoration plan was made by Scott, seconded by Marty; approved by Richard, Purr, Kathy and Bud.
7. Ratification of Enforcement Orders
Eleanor Thomas property where the excavator had fallen through needs to be ratified. Environmental consultant Ed and Emily Stockman were appointed.
Motion to ratify Enforcement Order on Eleanor Thomas, seconded by Scott, approved by Marty, Kathy and Bud.
Purr motioned to approve selection of their Environmental Consultants, seconded by Marty; approved by Scott, Kathy and Bud.
8. Administrative Business
a. Letter to Peter Wallach, Becket Highlands, Inc
Tyringham Road, Years ago they had an Enforcement Order and then submitted an RDA. The work was not finished, the driveway is a foot longer than it was supposed to be and no planting was done. Discussion ensued on what options the Commission could entertain.
Scott would like to see an Enforcement Order issued:
you shall come before cc with restoration plan with disturbed areas on both sides of areas in CC jurisdiction area on June 17 for approval and modify . After approval planting will be done by Aug 19
Purr motioned to ratify the Enforcement Order, Scott seconded; approved by Richard, Marty, Kathy, Bud.
b. Other
Marc Belleaud, Aquatic Control Technology, representing Sherwood Greens. A history
was given of the ongoing weed management. They have been working with the Road District regarding ongoing management of the phragmites as well as the native plants. They are considering mechanical harvesting and spot hydro-raking to control the native plants. Mr. Bellaud would like to know if they should file a new NOI or an amendment to the existing order and requests guidance from the Commission relative to harvesting and hydro-raking. The benefits of methods such as hydro-raking, suction harvesting, hand pulling, mechanical harvesting and chemical application were discussed and the effects of each on the various plants such as phragmites, bladderwort, milfoil and native plants. The Commission discussed the difference between Amended and Extended OOCs and it was decided an amended plan
should be submitted and later come back for the extension.
c. Election of Officers next month. Purr’s chair will need to be voted on.
Motion to adjourn made by Scott, seconded by Kathy, Richard, Marty Purr, and Bud. Meeting adjourned 8:20.
Purr McEwen, Chair Date
Scott Morley, Vice Chair Date
Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner/Agent Date
Bud Moylan, Commissioner Date
Richard Pryor, Commissioner Date
Marty Winters, Commissioner Date
Nina Weiler, Commissioner Date