Becket Conservation Commission ~ Minutes
December 17, 2009 ~ The Meeting is called to order at 6:30 PM. ~ Commissioners Present:; Scott Morley, Vice Chair; Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner and Agent; Bud Moylan; Marty Winters; Richard Pryor, ~ Members absent: Purr McEwen, Chair |
1. Approval of minutes of the November 19, 2009 and December 3, 2009 meetings.
Bud motioned, Richard seconded, all in favor.
Approval of minutes of Dec 3, 2009
Bud motioned, Richard seconded, all in favor.
2. Continued Request for Determination of Applicability Massachusetts Highway
Department. Rte 20 West from Chester TL to just East of Andrews Corner
Micro milling and resurfacing the roadway; also removing and resetting granite
curbs and guardrails as needed
Amer Raza, representing. They are working under a set timeframe because of stimulus money restrictions. The project must be packaged and sent to Boston by February so that it can be advertised and put out to bid. The work is to be done in the summer. The plan is to remove 2 inches and replace 2 inches of fill with no digging. There will be no stockpiling of materials. He brought another map and pointed out the changes showing how it reduces in the scope of work. It outlined wetland areas and habitat. The changes were made due to the time constraints. There will be no drainage, guardrail work or granite curbs. This will be restricted to roadways and immediate shoulders. If a broken pipe requires excavating or digging, then erosion control measures will be implemented. Scott
suggested that should they come across broken pipes as they proceed, allow them to be repaired with erosion controls as needed. The Commission would like to see the resource areas flagged ahead of time while erosion control measures implemented as necessary.
Motion was made by Scott for a Negative Determination of Applicability, seconded by Marty, all in favor with the following conditions: 1) mark within 100’ of wetland, bank and within 200’ perennial streams on the entire 7.5 project before any milling commences using the Becket RT 20 resource map presented at the Dec 17 meeting. 2) No materials to be stored at any time or any section of the 7.5 mile project. 3) the Commission must be notified by email or phone 48 hours prior to any work where erosion controls are needed to inspect such controls before any excavation work is done.
3. Request for Determination of Applicability Palmer Brook Corporation Plumb Rd.
Map 408 lot 37 Cutting of trees in the buffer zone as needed for dam maintenance
Dan Buttrick, Fuss & O’Neill representing Alan Strassler. This is the first time he has done an inspection on the dam. Due to some of the new Dam Safety Regulations, trees within 20 feet need to me removed. The regular dam inspection has been done and while the dam itself is in good condition, trees were identified close by the abutments and along the toe where roots can be growing in the embankment. It is recommended that those be removed. The dam has a large emergency spillway associated with it and in that area there was some woody vegetation starting to grow up. He further demonstrated other areas of concern on the map because the vegetation could establish root systems and restrict the capacity and redirect the flow. There is also a dike located to the west where he outlined the
trees that should be removed. As instructed, they were told to weed-wack by the dam and then realized for the additional work they would need to file an RDA. They will wait until spring to complete the work because of weather conditions. The trees are to be cut to ground level with the stumps left in place.
A motion to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability was made by Bud with a condition to permit weed wacking around the dam areas and the dike, seconded by Richard, all in favor.
4. Continued Request for Determination of Applicability Julie and Michael Fay 23
Lady Lucille Drive Map 215 lots 183 & 184 Replace existing house foundation;
add porch; remove trees, fill and grade
Mike Fay and Richard Gemme, presenting. They want to replace the foundation under the existing cottage and add a porch in the front which requires a tree that needs to be removed. The silt fence as outlined on the map is to go all around and up the brook which is on the side. The small equipment will come in on the left. Most of the work is in the front. The initial work was done under substandard conditions with 2x6s. At one point 6x12 beams and then double 6x2 beams. That area is now supported. However, the part in the front that is a porch needs to be supported by either tiers or a wall. The existing chimney will stay. Excavation material will be minimal and can be stored on the driveway to avoid erosion. There are certain areas that concrete will need to be poured with a
curtain drain installed. They were advised of some of the conditions outlined in the Standard Conditions. Mr. Gemme redrew the erosion controls and added the curtain drain on the map.
A motion was made to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability by Bud with Becket Standard Conditions with straw waddles and silt fence; any excavated materials to be stored in the driveway just below Lucille Drive; seconded by Richard with all in favor.
5. Request for Determination of Applicability Gino Mercadante 3729 Jacob’s
Ladder Rd. Map 201 lot 13 Construct a stone patio and install pre cast steps to
Greenwater Pond
Site inspection has been done. Kathy read the letter that was submitted by Stephen Roberts, Landscape Architecture and Constructions outlining in detail the project. The Commission requested that there be a dry spout to the dry well which is now on the new plan. The reason for the RDA is because they are within the buffer zone.
A motion was made by Bud to issue an Negative Determination of Applicability with Becket Standard Conditions, with a down spout to be put into the drywell as shown on the plan in the front of the house and the native plants to be put along the border of the patio as in the amended plan, Scott seconded, all in favor.
6. Joseph and Angela Gruber 48 Osceola Drive Map 211 lot 18 DEP # 102-357
Discussion of revised plan including a more detailed account of the work as well as
Replacement of the 3 birch trees compatible with the site.
Craig Okerstrom-Lang, Okerstrom Lang LTD. He reviewed the map that was approved in August that included drain gardens using landscaping and stone that slows the flow of running water. Currently the plans are all conceptual. The site is all ledge and rock so they won’t know what they are dealing with until the house plans are finalized. As per the plan that was approved, they completed the removal of hemlocks and shrubbery and showed the perimeter plants that stayed. The opening for the dock was cleared out where the dock will be installed in the spring with a temporary path. He showed the work that was done outside the jurisdictional area. Trees had to be removed for the power lines right of way as well as the garage. They have been trying to get ideas on how to
deal with the waterfront area. The owner is now looking for a way to get down to the waterfront. They are considering using a slope grass on gravel pathway, six feet wide. The house, which is not designed, will be built into the slope. There will also be a retaining wall. They would like to install the rain gardens this coming spring. A Noticed of Intent will need to be filed when the house is to be constructed. The proposed work was submitted to the commission for work to be done within various measurements of the buffer zone. He presented the schedule as outlined: Phase I will be tree removal and waterfront cleanup. Phase II will be done in the spring where the dock will be installed with a pathway for access. A mulch pathway will be put in down to the waterfront. They will seed any disturbed soils and will maintain erosion controls. In the summer they will break ground with the gravel parking lot and driveway, start the foundation work and then the
septic will be installed in the fall. A detailed plant list was also submitted. The road will also be screened more after the power lines are installed.
7. Al Kirchner Discussion of Center Pond permit for weed treatment.
Mercedes Gallagher, the President of the Center Pond Weed Project came in to speak. She referred to the minutes of July 16 that she wanted to clarify for the record. Marc Bellaud had recommended that the association get a GPS for the weed pulling, get a boat and benthic barriers. Mercedes rebutted saying that they do not need a GPS or a boat seeing they already had three. She outlined on several maps from Aquatic Control submitted in 2007, 2008 and 2009 where they did dives treating the areas. Surveys have been done and she outlined the progress they have made. She founds two canoes and kayaks work better than pontoons which expedited the process. Currently she has obtained a grant for $1000 but still needs to raise $500. They pulled weeds into November and have done some of the areas shown
on the survey as having milfoil. The work area is in front of Center Lake Estates and near the town beach where the most work is needed. The rest of the lake is at maintenance stage. When the 1.4 acres was treated in 2007, the weeds grew back within a year.~ The survey map now shows one weed in that location since weed pulling was done there. The treatment cost $3000 but they managed to do it for $2500. Kathy suggested reading the conditions on the original conditions issued carefully. One of the problems with this application as noted by Kathy is no long term management plan.
8. Request for Certificate of Compliance (partial) Steve Turner Two State YMCA DEP# 102-342
The dam was inspected. They are asking for removal of erosion controls around the replication areas to permit natural growth as well as the driveway prior to the dam. This has nothing to do with the spillway or dam.
Kathy motioned to approve the partial COC for Stever Turner to state YMCA, seconded by Scott, all in favor.
9. Administrative Business
* Bud, Rich and Marty attended a DEP workshop.
* Mark Stinson is working until June and it was recommended that letters be written to the Circuit Rider Program
* It was also recommended that the computer get more RAM and a laptop be purchased for site visits.
10. Adjournment
A motion to adjourn was made by Bud seconded by Scott all in favor. Meeting closed at
Purr McEwen, Chair Date
Scott Morley, Vice Chair Date
Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner/Agent Date
Bud Moylan, Commissioner Date
Richard Pryor, Commissioner Date
Marty Winters, Commissioner Date
Nina Weiler, Commissioner Date