Becket Conservation Commission
October 15, 2009
The Meeting is called to order at 6:32.
Commissioners Present: Purr McEwen, Chair Scott Morley, Vice Chair; Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner and Agent; Bud Moylan; Marty Winters
Members absent: None
Discussion on dry hydrants in various locations in the town by Tony Blair and John Hall.
Discussion started in 1994 proposing a total of five hydrants with three having been built. Currently two are in need of repair, the only working one is in Sherwood Green. Proposals shall be presented at the next meeting on approximately three to four sites: 1) Shaw Pond, which will serve that section of town and parts of West Becket. For this one they may need to approach NHESP so they may be submitting this one separately. The others will be submitted all at the same time and these include: 2) Crystal Pond; 3)Pill Pond on Carter Rd covering North Becket; 4) Greenwater Pond covering west of town; 5)Rudd Pond to cover the center of town. A dry hydrant at Yokum Pond was considered but cannot be accessed during the winter because it freezes. The Town will request in the
Order of Conditions the ability for ongoing maintenance. The town will pay for materials for the ones listed which will cost approximately $700-$800 with labor being provided on a volunteer basis for several of these locations. This will show a decrease in insurance rates for the town and individuals who live within a certain distance from the dry hydrant. Buckley Dunton was brought up as a possible consideration however it is state owned with the implication being that there would be more hoops to jump. However, the fact that it gets plowed all through the winter would mean year-round access. Kushi Institute may be asked to provide their own hydrant because they have four wells providing them with some coverage. A fire pond was suggested seeing they have four wells on the premise. Mark Stinson, DEP, recommended that it if this is done, line the pond so that it would not be jurisdictional.
Minutes of October 1, 2009 meeting
Purr made motion to accept; Marty seconded all in approval.
2. Continued Notice of Intent SOLO (Sherwood Forest Lakes and Ponds) Map 216 DEP # 102-353 Chemical treatments using herbicides; hand-harvesting, cutting of invasive weeds
Commission has requested several times for the information to be submitted but applicant never complied.
Purr motioned to close public hearing, seconded by Scott, all in favor. Scott motioned to issue a denial of Order of Conditions because of lack of sufficient information. Seconded by Budd, all in favor.
3. Continued Notice of Intent John Amato Becket Woods Road and Maintenance District Egee’s Way Map 213 DEP # 102- Replacement of a culvert and installation of a dry hydrant
DEP has not yet received Notice Of Intent so DEP file number cannot be issued. Abutters have not been notified because it is a community as opposed to individuals. Mark suggested it could be dropped and reinstated later since there is nothing to continue.
Bud motions to drop the Notice of Intent, seconded by Purr, all in favor.
4. Request for Determination of Applicability Jamie Mills 18 South Lake Way Map 211 lot 144 Demolition of existing boathouse and construction of new one.
A lot of the paperwork was missing. They want to demolish the current boathouse and erect another in the same footprint. Kathy read the submitted narrative on file. This is on Center Pond. The erosion controls are 20 feet from the lake. Bud suggests that due to the proximity to the lake, straw waddles be requested.
Motion by Bud with standard conditions to include straw waddles with placement as shown on the, seconded by Purr, all in favor.
5. Request for Determination of Applicability Kathryn Clarke Valley View Road Map 416 lot 53 Determination whether or not two rocky swales are jurisdictional wetland resource areas.
John Prenosil, of JMP Environmental Consulting, on behalf of Ms. Clarke. Emails never received regarding site visit. He is requesting another site visit. It was pointed out that the town survey map which is marked 23 is actually 53 therefore the information is conflicting. Kathy said the area was rocky and difficult to determine whether it is jurisdictional. The initial plan was to construct a house up where the driveway is but now because she is selling the property, she no longer intends to build. Since the Request for Determination of Applicability was filed, she wanted the determination made. A delineation was conducted and he is requesting that the Commission verify the area filed is not jurisdictional. He is requesting a continuance.
Motion made by Purr to continue to November 19, seconded by Kathy, all in favor.
6. Certificate of Compliance Town of Becket Highway Dept. Quarry Road DEP #102-245
This project was done in 1992.
Motion by Purr to issue Certificate of Compliance, seconded by Scott, all in favor.
7. Certificate of Compliance Town of Becket Highway Dept. Plumb Road
DEP # 102-248
Motion by Purr to issue Certificate of Compliance, seconded by Scott, all in favor.
8. Partial Certificate of Compliance David and Constance Morris 158 Tyringham Rd. Map 404 lot 13.2
Kathy went out today at the site. Bridges looked beautiful. Scott brought up the erosion controls and whether things were coming down but Kathy did not see anything. Branches were down on the side from the ice storm and she felt they were fine to leave them there as wildlife habitat with things growing up through them. Replication areas cannot be voted on. Scott questioned as to whether the two piles he left were from the replication area. Wetland seed mixed was used for the replication area. Conservation seed mix was applied for the side of the road. It was pointed out that applicant is asking for Partial Certificate of Compliance not including the wetland replication areas. Mark read from the regulations section 10.059D that stated that if the plans were
submitted and stamped by a certified landscape architect and completed in compliance setting forth any deviations that exists from the plans and approved by the commission, shall accompany the request for the Certificate of Compliance. Purr summarized that it looks like he stayed with the plan and applicant has done a good job. Considerable discussion on the width of the driveway and whether applicant extended the width of the driveway in a riverfront area meaning he was in violation. Commission feels they have three options: 1) partial Certification of Compliance can be issued 2) continue the request and make a site visit 3) ask for more detail in the design and have Hill Engineering sign off on this.
Purr motioned to continue to Nov 20 in order for commission to conduct site visit and check for areas of compliance with a letter issued notifying applicant of the visit, seconded by Scott, all in favor. Kathy abstained.
9. Administrative Business
Ann Bruzzi, Berkshire Engineering, representing 524 Silverleaf, Irv Epstein. She stated that applicant has three outstanding Order of Conditions with no Certificate of Compliance being recorded. She believes they have been issued and wants Conservation to verify this. The first one, the septic design, DEP #102-256-Meadow Drive which she believes is his property, the attorney believes a Certificate of Compliance was issued but not recorded.
The second was in response to Enforcement Order regarding a walking path he was suppose to do but was done in the wrong place. It was completed
The third one was for a dock which she believes a Partial Certificate of Compliance for DEP #102-330 which is the dock that has not been completed and is still open.
They do not have anything for “this one”.
Ann wants Kathy to go through the files to see what additional information she has and if site visits could be made for the Certificate of Compliances to be issued.
Administrative Business:
Mark reviewed the preface to the meetings as read by Purr at the beginning of each meeting and made corrections.
Emergency Certification submitted by the Town for the existing culverts to be replaced by new ones. Mark recommended an emergency permit by the Army Corp of Engineers be obtained because they are diverting a stream. Tony Blair said that culverts need to be replaced because the roads are collapsing as a result of the culverts collapsing. This started as a result of the dam breaking in 2005. There was a discussion as to whether or not this is an emergency seeing it happened a while ago. Tony Blair stated that it is starting to deteriorate rapidly and that it needs to be done rapidly before the road washes away.
Motion to adjourn made by Purr to adjourn, seconded by Scott, meeting adjourned at 8:33
Respectfully Submitted,
Martie Martin, Recorder
Purr McEwen, Chair Date
Scott Morley, Vice Chair Date
Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner/Agent Date
Bud Moylan, Commissioner Date
Marty Winters, Commissioner Date