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Conservation Commission Minutes 3/30/09
Becket Conservation Commission
March 30, 2009

The meeting is called to order at 5:23 PM.
Commissioners Present:  Purr McEwen, Chair; Scott Morley, Vice Chair; Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner and Agent; Derrick Rodgers; Marty Winters
Commissioners Absent:  Bud Moylan

  • Approval of Minutes of March 19, 2009 meeting.
Marty moves to approve both, Purr seconds, unanimous.

  • Request for Determination of Applicability  Raymond Ellsworth 818 Surriner Road  Map 412 lot 24.1  Clearing and planting for fruit and berry production within 200-foot of a perennial stream
Present:  Mr. Ellsworth
Purr & Kathy did the site visit. This is a commercial agricultural proposal which is covered under the WPA & only needs to be 100 feet away from riverbank. He is clearly outside the 100 feet necessary for commercial agriculture. DEP asked for a business plan and it has been provided.
Purr moves to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability; Scott seconds; unanimous approval.

  • Administrative Business:  Kathy will be gone 4/4 – 4/13.
There being no further business to conduct Kathy moves to adjourn; Scott seconds; the meeting is adjourned at 5:40 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Blanche Lennington, Recorder

Purr McEwen, Chair                              Date

Scott Morley, Vice Chair                        Date

Derrick Rodgers                         Date

Kathy Vsetecka                                  Date

Marty Winters                                   Date
