Becket Conservation Commission
Minute Notes 4/16/09
Present: Marty Winters; Bud Moylan; Derrick Rodgers; Scott Morley, Vice Chairperson; Kathy Vsetecka, Agent
Absent: Purr McEwen
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Scott.
- Certificate of compliance Kenneth parent 605 King Richard Drive Map 216 lot 334 DEP #102-310
Kathy visited the site and all seems to be in compliance with the Order of Conditions.
Motion by Kathy to issue a Certificate of Compliance; second by Scott
Unanimous approval
- Extension of Order of Conditions Charles Schutz Wade Inn Road Map 417 lot 21 DEP #102-301
Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering presented the original plan. Bud and Kathy visited the site today. The site has not changed; however, some of the flags are now missing. They feel that these should be replaced. Scott asks if the extension can be conditioned. Kathy states that it cannot. Shannon says that she will make sure they are replaced before work begins. She requests a copy of the Becket Standard Conditions. Kathy will send one.
Motion by Scott to approve an extension for 2 years with a request that the flags and markers be replaced.
Second by Marty
Unanimous approval
- Notice of Intent SOLO Sherwood Forest Lakes and Ponds Map 216 DEP #102-353 Chemical treatments using herbicides; hand harvesting and cutting
Kathy states that Marc Bellaud of Aquatic Control Technology representative, has asked for a continuance because of the need to submit new information.
Motion by Kathy to continue to the May 21, 2009 meeting at the applicant’s request.
Second by Derrick
Unanimous approval
- Notice of Intent Barry and Judith Dichter Tyne Road Map 203 lot 50.3 DEP #102-354 Construction of a single family home, installation for a septic system, utilities, grading and landscaping
Mark Volk of Foresight Land Services presents the plan. Also present for the presentation are Rachel Chase of Kuhn-Riddle Architest and the Dichters. The closest work will be 50’ back from the wetland line. Most of the work is outside the 100’ buffer to Yokum Pond. Areas that are going to be cut are flagged. It is the intent to preserve the mountain laurel and trees as much as possible. Scott asks about the erosion controls. They are double in low points. He would like to see them doubled completely in the front. The straw wattles will indicate the limit of work. The Dichters don’t know how they will access the lake yet; they want to see the area after the work is done. They own 2 contiguous parcels with a wood trail connecting them. The contractor is going to be J. Helman of Buckland.
Public comment: No public comment
Motion by Scott to approve the NOI with the Becket Standard Conditions and with the condition that the second row of erosion controls be extended so that the two ends meet.
Second by Derrick
Unanimous approval
- Request for Determination of Applicability Caroline Whitbeck and David Neelon, Trustees 193 Long Bow Land West Map 213 lot 74-56 Cutting of trees within the buffer zone of a resource area
Derrick recuses himself and leaves the room
Kathy gives a preview of the work desired. They wasn’t to cut down damaged trees and plant native trees. Martie and Scott review Purr’s comments from the site visit. Scott asks if the trees have been flagged. Bud says they have been. He also says that there are 3 trees which are borderline as to the need for them to be taken down. He feels that it should be allowed as long as the applicant conforms to the conditions. Scott discusses the size of the trees to be planted. Bud asks about delaying a decision. Kathy says it would be better not to as they have done all that was asked.
Motion by Scott to issue a negative determination with the conditions that no trees are to be cut and removed within 25’ of the high water line and that any trees cut in the buffer zone be replaced at a 2:1 ration with native trees that are 8’ nominal in height.
Second by Bud
Unanimous approval
- Extension of order of Conditions Palmer Brook Corporation DEP #102-257.
Annual drawdown of Palmer Brook Lake
F. Sydney Smithers, attorney with Cain Hibbard and Myers, presents the plan. He stats that a scientist reviews the effect of the drawdown once a year and files a report. He is requesting a 3 year extension. Conditions haven’t changed. Alexander Thorpe of Accord Engineering comes in late.
Motion by Scott to approve the extension of the Order of Conditions for 3 years.
Second by Marty
Unanimous approval
The minutes from the March 30, 2009 were presented for approval.
Motion by Kathy to approve
Second by Scott
Unanimous approval
Motion to adjourn at 7:40 PM by Derrick
Second by Scott
Unanimous approval