Becket Conservation Commission
June 18, 2009
Present: Purr McEwen, Chairperson; Scott Morley, Vice Chairperson; Marty Winters; Bud Moylan; Kathy Vsetecka, Agent
Absent: Derrick Rodgers
Meeting opened at 6:30 PM
- Minutes of the May 21, 2009
Motion made by Bud to approve the May 21, 2009 minutes. Second by Scott.
Unanimous approval.
- Continued Notice of Intent SOLO (Sherwood Forest Lakes and Ponds) Map
216 DEP #102-353 Chemical treatments using herbicides, hand-harvesting, cutting
Kathy presented copies of a letter sent out to Marc Bellaud of Aquatic Control Technology which asked for additional information. The Commissioners each skimmed the letter and then suggested other additional information they wished to have. It was noticed that there is a public water supply by the Lake View Store. This information included long term management plan for hand pulling and future water shed management. Kathy send Marc a letter with this desired additional information—provide maps clearly delineating the specific areas for hand pulling and the plants to be hand pulled, a schedule for doing the hand pulling, what training will be required of individuals doing this, how it will be funded, etc. Also, a long range plan with specifics as noted above. In the
section on Long-Term Lake Management Plan, the word “future” will be as shown here “A plan should include a review of past, current and future watershed management practices…”.
Motion was by Scott to continue the hearing with the applicant’s consent (via email) until the July 16, 2009 meeting.
Second by Bud.
Unanimous approval.
- Continued Certificate of Compliance Glen and Kathy Zeh 269 Old Pond
Road Map 210 lot 50 DEP #102-297
Kathy noted that at a site visit the site was stabilized and trees planted. A thank you given to the Zeh’s for doing such good work and following all the correct procedures.
Motion by Purr to approve the Certificate of Compliance
Second by Bud
Unanimous approval
- Continued Certificate of Compliance Joe Maggi 883 King Richard Drive
Map 215 lot 189 DEP #102-297
Mr. Maggi showed a receipt for the 18 plantings required for the wetlands. Kathy had been on site and seen many of these. He then presented a plan for a boardwalk over the wetlands. It was noted that the new owners have stated that they will be satisfied with the plan if the Commission approves it. The Commission approved the plan. Mr. Maggi asked for a partial Certificate of Compliance.
Motion by Purr to issue a partial Certificate of Compliance
Second by Scott
Unanimous approval
- Request for Determination of Applicability Center Pond Weed Control Project Center Pond Selective removal of non-native invasive plants by hand
Mercedes Gallagher presented the Commission with a report on the results of hand pulling and past chemical treatment of the lake. There was a discussion of the type of weeds, the appropriate removal of them. Last year they played “catch up”—303 hours fo work. Mercedes stated that there is a reduction of the non-native invasive weeds occurring each year. There are two patches that need to be done; the largest in front of Center Lake Estates. Five and a half (5 ½) weeks after chemical treatment last year there was re-growth, with some plants up to the surface. There a patch of thick algae near Greylock; they are watching it to see what is causing it. Mercedes showed the Award the Center Pond Weed Control Project received and the
official citation from the Senate.
Motion by Purr to issue a negative determination
Second by Scott
Unanimous approval
- Notice of Intent Jeff Rosen 341 Seneca Drive Map 219 lot 219 DEP # 102-
Installation of a dock
Steve Booher of walk on Water Docks presented the plan. The spacing on the dock is ¾” to 1”. It is a rolling dock and will be removed by hand. Scott asked about storing the dock and about the concrete blocks being used to anchor it. These will be conditioned in the Order. There is no DEP number so the Commission cannot act on this application at this time.
Motion by Purr to continue with the applicant’s consent
Second by Bud
Unanimous approval
- Request for Certificate of Compliance Gary Johnson Silverleaf Drive Map
Map 214 lot 131 DEP #102-258
Kathy stated that the site was stabilized. He does need to remove storm damage from the buffer and has gotten permission to do this.
Motion by Purr to issue a Certificate of Compliance
Second by Budd
Unanimous approval
- Request for Determination of Applicability James Bierfeldt 289 Old Pond
Rd. Map 210 lot 52 Building a deck with the buffer zone to Center Pond
Discussion about the location of the deck. It is to be just behind the house and will be set on rocks and/or concrete blocks. It is within 50 feet of Center Pond; otherwise an exempt activity. The area is already lawn.
Motion by Bud to issue a negative determination with Becket Standard Conditions.
Second by Purr
Unanimous approval.
- Presentation of Center Pond survey results
The survey was postponed June 24, 2009 because of the weather. Purr and Kathy
cannot go.
Ratification of the issuance of an Enforcement Order to Guenther Stockfisch for work done in the buffer zone to Yokum Pond without a permit. Mr. Stockfisch was the contractor for Larry Gordon on Family Court. He removed storm damaged trees, etc. A copy of the Eo to go to the owner of the property.
Motion by Purr to issue the EO
Second by Budd
Unanimous approval
Roosevelt Ave. LLC 674 Benton Hill Road Kathy stated that the letter she wrote
was returned. Marty is going to get the name of the owner.
Election of officers
Motion by Bud to leave the officers as they are now
Second by Marty Unanimous approval
Motion by Purr to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 PM
Second by Scott
Unanimous approval