Becket Conservation Commission
6:30 PM Becket Town Hall
557 Main Street, Becket
October 20, 2011
1. Approval of minutes of September 15, 2011 meeting.
2. Continued Notice of Intent Conservation Group, Inc. Barry Fogel, Esq. Center
Pond Dam Map 210 Lots 28, 30, 34 DEP #102-0372 Maintenance, repair, and
improvement of Center Pond Dam
3. Continued Certificate of Compliance Graham and Holly Gurry 225 East Shore
Road. Map 211 Lot 109 DEP #102-0339
4. Abbreviated Notice of Intent Judith Baranowski 302 Sherwood Drive Map 215
Lot 201D DEP #102-0376 Pump, crush and fill in existing septic tank; install
new tank and new leach field
5. Notice of Intent Jonathan Wilson 155 Access Road Map 407 Lot 28 DEP# 102-
0374 Construction of a single family house
6. Notice of Intent Holly Vannucci-Chaffee Surriner Road Map 412 Lot 29.1
DEP #102-0375 Construction of a driveway to a single family house and
associated appurtenances
7. Certificate of Compliance Two-State YYMCA (Steve Turner) 748 Hamilton
Road Map 211 Lot 1 DEP #102-0342
8. Follow-up to Enforcement Order Berkshire Highlands LLC (Alan Wallach)
Tyringham Road Map 404 Lot 49
9. Administrative Business
a. Recorder
b. Greenwater Pond reports received and on file
c. Mtg DEP Center Pond
d. Other