Becket Conservation Commission
Becket Town Hall 557 Main Street
Thursday, August 18, 2011 6:30 PM
1. Approval of July 21, 2011 meeting.
2. Continued Notice of Intent Conservation Group, Inc. Barry Fogel, Esq. Center
Pond Dam Map 210 Lots 28, 30, 34 DEP #102-0372 Maintenance, repair and improvement of Center Pond Dam
3. Request for Determination of Applicability Center Lake Estates Center Lake Beach Map 211 Lot 146 General maintenance of beach and road; adding stone
to a 25’ square area next to the beach for a canoe rack
4. Request for Determination of Applicability Town of Becket Town Beach Mecum Way Map 413 Lot 15 Beach improvements to minimize erosion
5. Request for Determination of Applicability Town of Becket Tennis Courts
Prentice Place Map 206 lot 93 Resurfacing and painting of tennis courts
6. Request for Determination of Applicability David Corriveau 29 Lancelot
Lane Map 217 Lot 77 Construction of retaining wall in buffer to Lancelot Lake
7. Request for Determination of Applicability Pamela Bachman Indian Lakes Map 219 Hand pulling and cutting of weeds in cove by Boulder Beach
8. Request for Certificate of Compliance Graham and Holly Gurry 225 East Shore Rd. Map 211 Lot 109 DEP #102-0339
9. Center Pond Weed Control Project, etc. report
10. Administrative Business/Other
a. Recorder