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Conservation Commission Agenda 5/19/11
Becket Conservation Commission
Thursday May 19, 2011
 6:30 PM Becket Town Hall
557 Main Street

1.      Approval of Minutes of April 21, 2011 meeting

2.      Request for Amended Order of Conditions  Michael and Christine Shannon
        132 Nottingham Court  Map 216 lot 750  DEP #102-0363  Addition of a parking

3.      Request for Determination of Applicability  Sherwood Forest Lake District
        Map 215-217 various lots  Replenishment of sand on existing beaches including
        Big Robin, Robin Hood (2), Little Robin, Lancelot and Excalibur

4.      Report on the Sherwood Forest Lake Survey  

5.      Request for Certificate of Compliance  Stanley Pyranowski  97 Shawnee Shore     
        Rd.  Map 204 lot 99 & 100  DEP # 102-337  

6.      Administrative Business
        a.      Report on Thomas Pond Spring Refill
        b.      ENF pursuant to Center Pond Dam Rehabilitation
        c.      Division of Fisheries & Wildlife presentations about MESA regulation    
                changes, etc.

7.        Other