Becket Conservation Commission
6:30 PM Becket Town Hall
557 Main Street Becket
1. Approval of minutes of March 17, 2011 meeting
2. Request for Determination of Applicability Denise Huggins 190 Greenwater
Pond Rd. Map 202 lot 24 Addition of an attached deck in the buffer zone
of Greenwater Pond
3. Administrative business
a. Refill of Greenwater Pond completed
b. Report of Aquatic Plant Management Program at Sherwood Forest
c. Open Meeting Law Workshops: May 25 Northampton High School
380 Elm St. 6PM – 8:30 PM
May 11 Nessacus Middle School 35 Fox Rd. Dalton 6PM-8:30PM
d. Invasive Plants and Road Maintenance Workshop May 3 Chester
Railway Station 10 Prospect St. 8AM-3:30 PM
4. Public Input