Becket Conservation Commission
Becket Town Hall
June 17, 2010
1. Approval of minutes of the May 20, 2010 meeting.
2. Enforcement Order Restoration Plan Eleanor Thomas 301 Beech Tree Lane
Map 407 lot 72 Enforcement Order
3. Enforcement Order Restoration Plan Alan Wallach Becket Highlands 263 Tyringham Road Map 404 lot 49
4. Notice of Intent Michael and Christine Shannon 132 Nottingham Court Map
216 lot 750 DEP #102 Construction of a deck, sun porch, boardwalk and dock
5. Certificate of Compliance Mark and Mary Thomas 8 Cherokee Drive Map 218
lot 150 DEP #102-306
6. Continuance of Notice of Intent John Amato Becket Woods Road and Mainten-
ance District Beech Tree Lane Map 407 DEP #102- Installation of a culvert
7. Update on Enforcement Work at Beech Tree Lane
8. Greenwater Pond Drawdown Report
9. Administrative business
a. Election of officers
b. Other