Becket Conservation Commission
Becket Town Hall
Thursday, April 15, 2010
1. Approval of the minutes of the 3/18/10 meeting.
2. Continued Request for Determination CSX Transportation Inc. CSX Right-
of-Way Approval for boundaries of resource areas for vegetation management
3. Notice of Intent Michael Lavery Robinwood West Map 213 lot 109
Construction of a single family residence, well, septic system, wind generation
facility and all associated project grading
4. Request for Determination of Applicability David and Lynn Brewer 92 Will
Scarlet Drive Map 216 lot 143 Septic system upgrade—installation of a
seasonal tight tank
5. Request for Determination of Applicability Robert Benton Algerie Road
Map 219 lot 230 Installation of a stationary pier/dock
6. Notice of Intent Jacob’s Pillow (Mark Constable) 358 George Carter Road
Map 407 lot 16 Expansion of the existing main gravel parking lot; new access
road to said parking lot
7. Notice of Intent John Amato Becket Woods Road and Maintenance District
Beech Tree Lane Map 407 Installation of a culvert
8. Notice of Intent John Amato Becket Woods Road and Maintenance District
Access Road/Farmstead Road Map 407 lot 8 Replacement of a culvert
9. Administrative Business
Update of Becket Woods violation Map 407 lot 72
Enforcement Order ratification(s) if needed