Community Preservation Committee Meeting 3/27/13
Wed. March 27, 2103 7:00p.m.
Town Hall-Historic Commission Meeting Room
Members: Rob Gorden, Kathy Vsetecka, Rita Furlong, Neil Toomey Guest: Aaron Beatty
Minutes of last meeting approved.
Aaron Beatty, member of the Athenaeum Board of Directors, made a presentation requesting $30,000 for exterior restoration and painting. After a discussion of funds available, we voted to fund a portion of the request.
Kathy made a motion to fund the request-$7,000 from Historic Preservation Reserves and $8,000 from Undesignated Reserves. 2nd-Rob, Vote- unanimous.
Rita presented a request from the Historic Commission and the Finance Committee to fund the purchase and installation of an obelisk monument to Revolutionary War and Civil War veterans. Article for regular ATM funding was first requested in February. Finance Committee suggested that CPA funds be used instead. Paper work will be submitted shortly. After a discussion, and notes from the CPA Coalition, it was decided that Open Space and Recreation funds could be used for this project under the new component of the law stating that this is a rehabilitation of the town owned park.
Neil made a motion to fund $6,000 from the Open Space and Recreation Reserve account. Kathy -2nd. Rob and Rita recued themselves from the vote as they are members of the Historic Commission. Vote_passed.
Rita will submit an article to the ATM for the distribution of this coming years receipts for the CPA. Approximately $48,000 will be realized from the town and state contributions this coming year.
Public Hearing for the request submitted this meeting will be held on Wed. April 17, at 6:30 p.m. in the Becket Room of Town Hall. A notice will be sent to the town clerk to post this Public Hearing Notice.
Rob will submit request for dues of $250 to the Community Preservation Coalition in July after a bill is received.
Meeting adjourned at 6:58
Respectfully submitted, Rita Furlong