Community Preservation Act Committee Meeting
March 5, 2012 7:20 p.m.
Becket Town Hall
Present: Neil Toomey, Rob Gorden, Ann Krawet, Kathy Vsetecka, Rita Furlong
Guest: Mercedes Galligher
Updates on two previously approved projects:
Mullen House Education Center: Rita Furlong , President of MHEC, gave an update on all of the improvements and restoration work done on the MH. Pictures of the work were presented. Appreciation was noted for the help in restoring and preserving this building by the CPA.
Center Pond Weed Removal Project: Mercedes Galligher gave a presentation of the work done in the past year. Eurasian milfoil plants continue to be removed from the lake successfully. Center Pond Lake District plans to do a new survey in 2012. One year of funding from the CPA remains for weed pulling in 2012. She also brought to our attention that she asked Neill whether or not funding from CPA could be used to remove Japanese knotweed and burning bush plants near watershed brook near Watitoh and at Ballou Park and the Athenaeum. Neil said that he had approached the state and that they said that only town owned conservation land could use CPA funding. Rita suggested that maybe town park’s committee could help with this project.
A new proposal from the Mullen House Education Center was presented by Rita Furlong, who asked to be recused from the board to allow the presentation of the proposal. Kathy V. acted as temporary secretary. Rita stated that the MHEC applied to the Leonhardt Foundation for funding to paint the building, but that the funding went to the Athenaeum instead. Therefore, this proposal for the MHEC is to request funding from the CPA for priming and painting the exterior of the building. An estimate was included with the proposal for $5,000.00. This will be the final phase of restoration needed to protect this building.
Questions from the CPA board included where advertisement for the rental of the two remaining offices had been posted and suggestions were then given for additional places. Mercedes wondered what the status of the future parking area was. Rita said that property boundaries were being established and that a grassed area between the MH and the Verizon building would be used for additional parking. No blacktop area is planned. Fencing will be placed to delineate the area to be used for parking. Rental fees are $100 for small offices and $200 for larger offices. A $10 monthly fee is added to allow for cleaning/ snow removal.
Following this discussion, Rob made a proposal that the CPA recommend accepting this request for $5,000.00 to be voted on at the annual town meeting. Ann seconded it. Passed unanimously ( Rita abstained).
Kathy proposed that the funding come from the undesignated fund. Rob seconded. Passed unanimously. (Rita abstained).
Neil proposed that the Public Hearing be March 21, 2012 at 6:30 prior to the selectboard meeting. Rob seconded. Passed unanimously.
Rita said that we need to write articles for the ATM. $500 for administrative costs, $4,000 to each of the three funding areas ( Community Housing, Open Space and Recreation, and Historic Preservation). Remaining income go to the undesignated fund. It will be prepared and voted on at our next meeting.
Rita read a letter that she and Neil wrote following 2011 effort to have the head assessor and town accountant file the state mandated CP-1 form due September 15 in order to receive state matching monies for the CPA. The CP-1 form had still not been filed as of September 14th. The irresponsible behavior of the assessor and accountant resulted in our writing this letter. Copy is included in the file.
It was noted that the Becket Land Trust has not reported back to us following their 2010 request for funding. Ken Smith, President of the BLT will be asked for a short letter to respond to this issue.
Rob proposed that we submit a request to the town treasurer to pay $250 to the CPA Coalition for payment for consultation services after July 1, 2012 from the CPA administration account. Kathy 2nd. Passed unanimously.
Rob called for adjournment at 8:20. Neil 2nd. Passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Rita Furlong, acting secretary