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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 5/4/09

Unapproved minutes
Becket Community Preservation Committee Meeting
Town Hall
May 4th,2009
Present Rob Gorden, Rita Furlong, Bob Podolski, Neil Toomey

  • Public Information; The Board decided to announce at the annual town meeting that anyone interested in funding a project through the CPC should contact the committee through the town’s website, and follow up by attending a CPC meeting, where they will receive information regarding funding criteria and procedures. This information will also be available on the towns’ website.
  • Neil will make contact with the town treasurer for a meeting with the CPC and town administrator (current and future) to discuss accounting procedures and DOR CP3 filing. The CPC felt it would be best if everyone on the CPC attend this meeting if possible. It was decided to try and set the meeting up for a Wednesday night@ 6:30p.m., sometime after the annual town meeting.
  • Neil will contact Blanche Lenninton about working as our secretary for an hourly rate similar to her payment for services to other committees in town
  • If Blanche is not available we would have an article placed in The Country Journal requesting secretarial services.
  • The Board decided to support article 17 at the annual town meeting, requesting funding for replacement of historical signs in Becket as proposed by the Becket Historical Committee.
  • Rob Gordon will contact Laurel Kahn from the town of Leveret CPC about protocol for contributions to The Community Preservation Coalition.
  • Bob suggested and the Board agreed to have a dedicated e-mail set up on the town’s website for the Becket CPC. Rita will contact Nina and Richard for help with this. Criteria for applying for funding from the Becket CPC will also be included on this site.     

Meeting adjourned at: 8:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Neil Toomey