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250th Anniversary Committee Minutes
Becket 250th Anniversary Committee Minutes


January 7, 2013
             I.            Call to order

Becket 250th Anniversary Committee (Committee) began the meeting at 4:08 P.M. on January 7, 2013 in Becket Town Hall.

          II.            Roll call

The following people were present: Linda Bacon, Rita Furlong, Bruce Garlow, Sandi Jarvis, Michel Richard, Barbara Roberts, George Roberts, Ann Spadafora, and Beth Van Ness

       III.            Open issues

A.    Discussed need for a Warrant Article at the Annual Town meeting from the Becket 250th Anniversary Committee seeking funding for the work of the Committee

1.      Need two amounts –

                                                                   a.      amount the Town will Raise and Appropriate

                                                                  b.      maximum the Committee can spend based on what it expects to raise in contributions; amount can be amended if necessary

2.      Discussed amount to request; proposed $5,000 stipend from town for activities to be held on or about early June 2015

B.     Motion by George Roberts “I move that the committee give Bruce Garlow autonomous authority to draft a warrant article to include a request for $5,000 funding for seed money and also to create a revolving account for $10,000.”; seconded, passed

C.     Discussed officials for the Becket 250th Anniversary Committee;

1.      Motion was made to vote on having officers, seconded, passed unanimously

2.      Rita Furlong was nominated as Presider, seconded, passed unanimously

3.      Some discussion about a Vice Presider in case Rita is not able to attend a meeting; can George Roberts fill this position since he is Becket’s Town Clerk?

4.      Sandi Jarvis was nominated to be the Clerk-to keep records and write the minutes; seconded, passed unanimously

5.      Previous “Minutes” are a record of what has been discussed in two previous informal meetings; brainstormed a list of possible activities/ideas to celebrate Becket’s 250th

D.    Discussed the need for a public letter to all areas of the Town looking for their ideas and their willingness to support activities; for example the camps would have larger facilities to accommodate large gatherings of people; Becket was incorporated on June 21 – look to early June before camps are in session and before school lets out; FYI - June 21, 2015 is a Sunday

1.      Rita and Sandi will talk in person with representatives of the Y camps to determine their interest; also BWS Principal

2.      George Roberts will write a general letter for camps, businesses, town departments, associations in the week ahead and get a copy to Sandi; will need to use e-mail as much as possible as the Committee presently has no funding for postage

E.     The Committee will meet on the 1st Monday of each month; if it is a holiday then the meeting will be held on the 1st Tuesday of the month. The duration will be for one hour, or as close as possible, starting at 4 P. M. in Town Hall, Becket Room.

F.      Committee needs to determine means to collect donations; set up revolving fund in the Warrant Article

G.    Article for Town Warrant; Bruce Garlow volunteered to write the Article

H.    Discussed items that might require funds-fireworks, tee shirts/cups/plates, update Town history book:

1.      Need to divide the update into smaller topics with different interested authors to share in data and writing; for example: Bruce Garlow government

2.      The Committee is in receipt of an e-mail from Paul Cashman, part time resident, offering his services in updating the Town’s history; he has owned property in town for many years but cannot attend the regular Committee meetings

3.      Barbara Roberts working on topics/categories from 200th book to be included in the update; discussed town government change, camps, churches, schools, businesses, Post Office, ambulance, buildings, natural disasters; real estate changes, dam removals

4.      Pictures for the history update -Tony Jayne, George Roberts  possible photographers

I.       Discussed the official name of the Committee; proposed Becket 250th Anniversary Committee, seconded, passed unanimously

J.       Activities in the planning

1.      Zina Jayne offered her afterschool group to do video and oral history interviews; she is looking for suggestions from the Committee on people to  interview; Izzy Salvini

2.      Paul Campbell-theater group during arts program can perform a play or reenactment

3.      Revisited the working list of possible activities; need to involve all ages, school students, seniors; SEE THE UPDATED LIST OF IDEAS ATTACHED BELOW

4.      Barbara Roberts offered 4 copies of book written by Joseph Plumb Martin, a Becket native, entitled Memoir of a Revolutionary Soldier -members taking a copy for the month are Linda, Rita, Ann, and Mike

K.    Check Becket Athenaeum for capability of transferring oral histories recorded on a cassette to a digital format

L.     Bicentennial records show commemorative plates, wooden nickels, beer garden, coronation ball, record hop, May to September, bugle/drum corps


       IV.            New business

A.    Review ideas previously presented SEE LIST OF IDEAS ATTACHED BELOW, Committee’s “homework” – do some accurate research into Becket’s history, Town Reports in Becket Room

B.  Bring additional ideas to add to the discussion

C.        “I remember” section, either written or oral history with Zina Jayne’s afterschool group

D.       Social media – George Roberts will look into Facebook

          V.            Next Meeting

Monday February 4, 2013

Becket Room, Town Hall 4 P.M.

There must be a quorum of committee members for official business to be conducted, please make every attempt to attend the monthly meetings. Thank you.

       VI.            Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M.

Submitted by: Sandi Jarvis



List of ideas to celebrate Becket’s 250th

As of January 7, 2013


1.      Camps-How can they help-facilities, catering, parking, fireworks, picnic

2.      Historical-Maps; Town History-Update, businesses, schools, farms, people, period costumes, buildings, tours; Photos; Written histories-published; Oral/video histories (Afterschool group led by Zina Jayne)

3.      Historic Commission/Becket Athenaeum treasures exhibits

4.      Previous town anniversary celebrations-successes; presentation on Parade Grounds for 200th Celebration, Berkshire Art Center commissioned play in 1980’s-can these be reenacted for the 250th?

5.      Art Show-Becket Art Center, photo gallery

6.      Car Show-old cars, new cars, farm machinery, ATV’s

7.      Concert-local talent: Praise Team, Bobby Sweet, Guthrie’s; Karaoke, Music through the years;

8.      Play/theater - Berkshire Playwright, production by school children/town residents;  resource Paul Campbell

9.      Dance-Square, line, Gala Ball, Jacob’s Pillow-dance piece

10.  Parade-combine with present Memorial Day parade? Can the town support 2 separate parades close together (June 21, 1765)? Drum corp. floats, bands, State/County/Local officials; neighboring towns

11.  Children activities-decorated bikes, baby strollers, field day, face painting, bouncy house, homemade instruments

12.  Picnic/BBQ/Pancake Breakfast/Spaghetti Supper, clambake/lobster; birthday cake

13.  School connections-ALL grade levels, student projects: writing, stories, art, music; presently Grades 3-5 at BWS study Becket Quarry/tour

14.  Honorees-Veterans, town employees, volunteers, oldest citizen

15.  Souvenirs-tee shirts, sweatshirts, town flags, post cards, bumper stickers, mugs, water bottles, Frisbee, stationary ,commemorative  plates, wooden nickel

16.  Cookbook-bake off;  Farmer’s Market

17.  Churches, special services, social societies

18.  Becket Quarry, parks, cemeteries, summer camps, Dream Away, Jacob’s Pillow, town businesses; tours

19.  Home/Farm/Garden tour

20.  Hikes/bike race/road race-Appalachian Trail

21.  Fireworks/Bonfire/Luminaries

22.  Exhibits-chainsaw, wood/log cutting safety, wood carving, home building; Colonial/Civil War Encampments

23.  Contests-photo, beard growing, Town song/Rap, pie eating contest

24.  Tree planting(s) on Parade Grounds-American Elm; which trees were native to Becket that may have been lost presently? Chestnut?

25.  Facebook – social media




 Below is the wording for the proposed article for the Annual Town Meeting written January 10, 2013 by Bruce Garlow:

To see if the Town will vote, pursuant to the provisions of General Law Chapter 44 Section 53I, to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 for the expenses of the Becket 250th Anniversary Committee.