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Recreation & Park Committee Minutes 09/21/2011


Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Avon Town Hall, Building #7
Call to Order - 5:43 p.m. – By Peter Ponziani
A.              Attendance
        1.      Members & Staff Present

Glenn Marston, Director, Sharon Brummert, Admin.Coordinator, Peter Ponziani, Peggy Roell, Paul Marioni, Kathy Thompson, David Jadovich.

  •         Members & Staff Absent
        Donald Droppo, Michael Trick

Minutes – March 23, 2011  

After reviewing the minutes from March 23, 2011, David Jadovich motioned to accept the minutes as presented and Kathy Thompson seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Public Comment –  None

IV.     Director’s Report
        Glenn gave an overview of the summer Recreation programs. He said the registration numbers in most of the programs were down this past summer including swim lessons and summer camp. Glenn said the pool ran pretty smoothly over the summer with no major issues.

        Glenn told committee members that there were a few Eagle Scout projects completed this summer. He said Garrett Roell did some trail work at Countryside Park. Tristan Chambers also did some fundraising and raised enough money to put 3 sets of bleachers on the lacrosse field at Buckingham. Tristan also had enough money to pay for all the stone and he also put a plaque on the bleachers with a picture of the high school lacrosse team.

        The Booster Club and Avon Baseball  purchased and installed a storage shed up at Buckingham with assistance from Public Works. The Booster Club also purchased a scorer’s table for Fisher Meadows this past summer. Glenn said Bill Staudenmayer purchased a bench for Fisher Meadows in memory of his wife. Mr. Staudenmayer also paid for all the landscaping around the bench and it looks beautiful.

        Glenn said the Senior Center received a $1500 grant from the Avon Education Foundation which was used to purchase 3 I pads for the Senior Center. Peggy Roell thanked Jennifer Bennett for a job well done and all the publicity on this.

        Mr. Marston said the Recreation Department started a Farmington Valley Field Hockey League this fall with the towns of Canton, Farmington and Granby and we have 77 kids signed up. It is held at the Avon high school with practices on Wednesdays and games on Sundays and it run Terri Ziemnicki.  He said we also have 50 girls signed up for our 7th & 8th Grade girls Volleyball League, which is in its’ 3rd year. Mr. Marston told committee members that we ran a pre-season conditioning camp in August and had 30 kids signed up. It was not sport specific and no equipment was allowed to be used. Glenn said we did hold our first annual Summer Sports Camp Fair back in March and we had a pretty decent turn out for the first time. The Recreation Department offered sports camps such as baseball camp, basketball camp, field hockey clinic, 3 different soccer camps, tennis lessons and volleyball camp.  He said we will hold the Sports Camp Fair again next March.   
Correspondence - None

  • Committee Communication – None
VII.    Old Business

A.      Fisher Meadows Field Project Update

        1.  Glenn informed committee members that the Inland Wetlands meeting went well and he will go to Planning and Zoning on Tuesday, September 27. Glenn said the primary questions will be parking and traffic and he feels that this can be managed by staggering the games, but he is still trying to determine how to handle the big tournaments. He said there are emergency outlets that go onto the Avon Old Farms property. Assuming everything goes through, then the only issue will be getting the money. Glenn said $80,200 came out of the Fisher fund already, but he said there are STEAP grants as well as state grants out there. Glenn said he will keep the committee updated on the project.