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PZC Minutes APRIL 22, 2014
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon held a meeting at the Avon Town Hall on Tuesday, April 22, 2014.  Present were Linda Keith, Chair, Carol Griffin, Vice Chair, David Cappello, Marianne Clark, Peter Mahoney, Tom Armstrong and Alternates Elaine Primeau and Jenna Ryan.  Absent were Christian Gackstatter and Steven Kushner, Director of Planning and Community Development.  Also present was John McCahill, Planning and Community Development Specialist.

Ms. Keith called the meeting to order at 7:30pm


App. #4708 -    Meredith Corporation dba WFSB-TV, owner/applicant, request for Special Exception under Section IV.A.4.a.of Avon Zoning Regulations to replace communications  tower and add Doppler Radar weather system, 375 Deercliff Road, Parcel 2090375, in an
RU2A Zone

App. #4709 -    Meredith Corporation dba WFSB-TV, owner/applicant, request for Site Plan Approval to replace communications tower and add Doppler Radar weather system, 375 Deercliff Road, Parcel 2090375, in an RU2A Zone  

Ms. Keith announced that Apps. #4708 and #4709 have been continued to the May 13 meeting.

Mr. Mahoney motioned to continue the public hearing for App. #4708 to the May 13 meeting.  The motion, seconded by Mr. Cappello received unanimous approval.

Mr. Mahoney motioned to table App. #4709 to the May 13 meeting.  The motion, seconded by Mr. Cappello, received unanimous approval.

App. #4715 -    DP3 LLC, owner/applicant, request for Special Exception under Section VI.C.3.d. of Avon Zoning Regulations to permit meeting area/space on second floor of rear building, 300 West Main Street, Parcel 4540300, in a CR Zone

Present were Kim Morrison, New England Pasta Company and Stonepost Bakery and John Dillon, property owner.

Kim Morrison explained that a plan has been submitted for the use of the second floor of the rear building; the intent is to use this area as a gathering space and provide options for existing customers.  She indicated that as the owner of New England Pasta Company for the past 20 years, the goal is to keep customers coming back.  She referenced Staff comments from Steve Kushner, dated April 16, 2014, and noted that a drawing was prepared by an architect.  

In response to Mrs. Clark’s question, Mrs. Morrison explained that the functions listed on her narrative (i.e. birthday/graduation/anniversary parties, bible studies, etc.) are noted only as possibilities for uses on the second floor.  She noted that the intent is to provide a space for small gatherings for customers; they could utilize either the first floor (Stonepost Bakery) or the second floor.  She confirmed that the request is for a maximum of 49 people on the second floor.  

Mr. Dillon commented that people are going to “Truffles” to have meetings and added that people have indicated to him that they would love to have a private place in Avon for meetings; he added that coffee and pastries could be served.  

Mrs. Morrison pointed out that some groups are looking for privacy, such as bible studies and small, offsite business meetings.     

In response to Ms. Keith’s question, Mrs. Morrison explained that any food that would be served on the second floor would come from the Stonepost Bakery; no cooking or food preparation would occur on the second floor.

Mrs. Griffin commented that both restaurants appear to be mostly take-out style and noted her concerns with close to the building parking availability for dine-in customers.  

Mrs. Morrison explained that each restaurant offers different options; New England Pasta has a retail area where you can purchase food to take home and cook and there is also a 35-seat café with waitress service.  She further explained that the bakery (Stonepost) will have counter service, which allows people to get their lunch faster.  She added that since opening last October, she has observed the traffic and notices that most people have only 30 to 45 minutes for lunch.  She indicated that the bakery will have 80 seats but there will be no formal waitress service.      

Mr. Dillon noted that the bakery operates similar to that of “Panera Bread”; you place your order and pick it up from the counter.

Mrs. Morrison noted that there are approximately 300 parking spaces available around the building; the bakery is open early but the pasta company doesn’t open until 10am such that the entire front lot is empty until lunchtime.  The only time of overlap between the 2 businesses is between 12 noon and 1pm, 5 days a week.  She reiterated that there is plenty of parking due to the consolidated parking agreement; she added that weekends are not an issue, as none of the offices in the back are open.  

Ms. Keith asked if the rest of the building owners have been communicated with in terms of the consolidated parking agreement and also asked if employees are parking in the back.

Mrs. Morrison clarified that the Stonepost Bakery is not yet open but confirmed that the employees will be parking closer to Farmington Savings Bank.  

In response to Mr. Armstrong’s questions, Mr. Dillon confirmed that he owns only 300 West Main Street.  He noted that there are 68 parking spaces dedicated for 300 West Main.  Mr. Dillon explained that the consolidated parking agreement is with the Town of Avon but noted that he has talked to the owner of 302 West Main and also talked to both the tenants and owner of 290 West Main (The Perfect Toy).  He added that all the building owners are excited about the new business at 300 West Main.

Ms. Keith explained that the existing agreement is the largest legal consolidated parking agreement in Town and has been in place for many years.  All the owners/tenants understand that parking spaces can be shared.

Mr. Armstrong indicated that he drove through the site noting that the office building in the rear is quite large.  He noted that people will stay longer at the restaurants recently approved (at 300 West Main) and added that he wonders if there’s enough parking to accommodate everyone.  

Ms. Keith indicated that most of the high volume will be when the office building in the rear is closed, on weekends, and employees will be instructed to park away from the building.  She explained that she has some parking concerns also, noting that the building plan has moved forward quickly making it difficult to know how it will work out.  She suggested that approval may be granted for one year to see how everything operates.

Mrs. Morrison explained that any organized group that wishes to meet on a regular basis (i.e., once a week) would be organized through the catering department (which is Mrs. Morrison and one other person).  She indicated that if she cannot accommodate a meeting request on the second floor, it’s not going to happen; she added that the first floor is also an option.  Mrs. Morrison confirmed that she is policing/monitoring the business; everything is very organized.

Mr. Cappello commented that many of the people going to this site for lunch may be coming from the rear building (302 West Main) and would walk to the restaurant, so parking would not be an issue.  The groups for the upstairs/second floor space would most likely be car pooling so there would probably not be 49 cars showing up at once.  He noted that people often travel in groups for celebratory type events.     

Ms. Keith indicated her understanding that restaurant patrons are given directional cards upon leaving, showing them how to exit the site using the traffic light.  Mrs. Morrison confirmed that this is the case.  Ms. Keith asked if information relative to parking areas for the second floor use could be added to this directional card.  Mrs. Morrison agreed and noted that a lot of customer education has been taking place, as it is in everyone’s best interest to keep customers informed.  She concluded by noting that nothing is going to take place that would hurt the business.

In response to Mr. Armstrong’s observations/concerns about exiting the site and the need for pavement markings, Mr. McCahill explained that driving routes inside the site are very confusing and many people drive the wrong way.  He noted that the applicant/owner, as a condition of a recent approval, must work with the adjacent property owner to provide better parking lot markings.                      

Mrs. Griffin asked if white arrows can be painted on the road rather than just having a sign.  Mr. Dillon explained that he already painted arrows, on his own, at the entrance to the site.  He noted that he talked to the property manager and plans to put a “Do Not Enter” sign at the back end of the site, as well as other directional signs agreed upon.  

In response to Ms. Keith’s question, Mr. McCahill indicated that if an approval is considered, a condition should note 49 persons as the maximum occupancy permitted.  He added that if the applicant wishes to increase that number in the future, they would have to prove compliance with Building and Fire and Codes and also return to the Commission.  He noted that the Staff has spent a lot of time working with the applicant/owner to coordinate/manage the requests at this site.  He concluded by noting that the applicant/owner has the most to lose and added that he feels confident that they will work hard to make things work.  Ms. Keith agreed with Mr. McCahill and noted that the applicant/owner has testified to a maximum occupancy of 49 and noted that she feels comfortable.

Chris Edge, 4 Brookmoor Road, communicated that he is a very satisfied customer of the New England Pasta Company and is excited for the Stonepost Bakery to open.  He noted that he is a part-time commercial realtor and also works part time for FAVARH.  He noted that he hopes these restaurants get a lot of support, as there are not currently a lot of choices in this area for this type of dining and/or private gathering areas.

There being no further input, the public hearing for App. #4715 was closed, as well as the entire public hearing.       


Mrs. Griffin motioned to waive Administrative Procedure #6 and consider the public hearing items.  Mr. Mahoney seconded the motion that received unanimous approval.   

App. #4715 -    DP3 LLC, owner/applicant, request for Special Exception under Section VI.C.3.d. of Avon Zoning Regulations to permit meeting area/space on second floor of rear building, 300 West Main Street, Parcel 4540300, in a CR Zone

Mr. Armstrong noted that App. #4715 meets the special exception criteria contained in Section VIII.  

Mrs. Griffin motioned to approve App. #4715 subject to the following conditions:

1.      Approval is granted for a 1-year time period.
2.      The maximum occupancy load for the second floor is 49 people.

Mrs. Clark seconded the motion that received unanimous approval.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:10pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Sadlon, Clerk


At a meeting held on April 22, 2014, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon voted as follows:

App. #4715 -    DP3 LLC, owner/applicant, request for Special Exception under Section VI.C.3.d. of  Avon Zoning Regulations to permit meeting area/space on second floor of rear building, 300 West Main Street, Parcel 4540300, in a CR Zone   APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS

Dated at Avon this 23rd day of April, 2014.  Copy of this notice is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk, Avon Town Hall.

Linda Keith, Chair
Carol Griffin, Vice Chair


The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 13, 2014, at 7:30 pm at the Avon Town Hall on the following:

App. #4716 -    Gladys Walker, owner, Oak Land Developers, LLC, applicant, request for 4-lot Subdivision, 4.99 acres, 354 and 362 Huckleberry Hill Road, Parcels 2810354 and 2810362, in an R30 Zone

App. #4717 -    Gladys Walker, owner, Oak Land Developers, LLC, applicant, request for Special Exception under Section IV.A.4.p. of Avon Zoning Regulations to permit one rear lot, 354 and 362 Huckleberry Hill Road, Parcels 2810354 and 2810362, in an R30 Zone  

All interested persons may appear and be heard and written communications will be received.  Applications are available for inspection in Planning and Community Development at the Avon Town Hall.  Dated at Avon this 28th day of April, 2014.

Linda Keith, Chair
Carol Griffin, Vice Chair