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PZC Minutes APRIL 10 2012
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon held a meeting at the Avon Town Hall on Tuesday, April 10, 2012.  Present were Duane Starr, Chair, Linda Keith, Vice-Chair, Peter Mahoney, Christian Gackstatter and Alternates Donald Bonner and Jenna Ryan.  Mr. Bonner and Ms. Ryan sat for the meeting.  Mr. Cappello arrived at 7:35pm.  Absent were Carol Griffin, Marianne Clark, and Alternate Elaine Primeau.  Also present was Steven Kushner, Director of Planning and Community Development.

Mr. Starr called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.


Mr. Gackstatter motioned to approve the March 27, 2012, minutes, as submitted.  Mr. Mahoney seconded the motion that received approval from Messrs. Gackstatter, Mahoney, and Starr and Ms. Ryan.  Ms. Keith and Mr. Bonner abstained, as they had not been present at the March 27 meeting.


App. #4598 -    Avon Land Trust, owner, Town of Avon, applicant, request for Zone Change from RU2A to ROS, 17.21 acres, 65 Chidsey Road, Parcel 1780065

Christine Graesser, Avon Land Trust, was present.

Mr. Kushner explained that the proposed zone change is for 17 acres of open space located at the end of Chidsey Road and Reverknolls.  He noted that there was a 2-acre open space requirement in connection with a 2-lot resubdivision approved in July 2010 (Sunlight Construction PZC App. #4487).  He further explained that there are 15 acres of undevelopable land (floodplain and wetlands), that were part of the resubdivision application for Chidsey Road.  He added that this 15-acre area was deeded to the Avon Land Trust by Sunlight Construction via a private transaction.  He further explained that the Commission agreed that rather than the Town taking title to 2 acres of open space while the Land Trust has title to 15 acres (which are adjacent to those 2 acres and the only access to those 2 acres is through the 15 acres), it made sense to deed those 2 acres to the Land Trust.  

There being no further input, the public hearing for App. #4598 was closed, as well as the entire public hearing.


Ms. Keith motioned to waive Administrative Procedure #6 and consider App. #4598.  Mr. Bonner seconded the motion that received unanimous approval.   

App. #4598 -    Avon Land Trust, owner, Town of Avon, applicant, request for Zone Change from RU2A to ROS, 17.21 acres, 65 Chidsey Road, Parcel 1780065

Messrs. Gackstatter and Mahoney are members of the Board of Directors for the Avon Land Trust and abstained from the vote.

Ms. Keith motioned to approve App. #4598.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Bonner.  The Commission unanimously concluded that the ROS (recreation open space) Zone is consistent with the way this open space is used and managed, now and in the future, as well as other Town-owned open space.  The motion received approval from Mesdames Keith and Ryan and Messrs. Bonner and Starr.  The effective date is May 10, 2012.  


App. #4597 -    Avon Old Farms School, Inc., owner, Poirier Homes, LLC, applicant, request for Site Plan Approval to construct 6-unit faculty residence, 500 Old Farms Road, Parcel 3360500, in an EL Zone

Present were Doug Ellis, PE, Buck & Buck, LLC, and Ted Brennan, Avon Old Farms School.

Mr. Ellis explained that the proposal is for a 6-unit faculty housing building; he noted that the new building would replace an existing, outdated building.  He noted that an existing parking lot is being moved to create a green space for the faculty housing.  Mr. Ellis noted that due to concerns from the Fire Marshal regarding access, the sidewalks proposed for in front of the new building will be widened; a staircase has also been added for access to the back of building.  He noted that all utilities exist but commented that some rerouting may be necessary.  

In response to Mr. Starr’s question about brick/grass pavers, Mr. Ellis explained that bituminous walk will be used; the area would be drivable, like a road, and suitable for fire vehicles.  

Mr. Ellis displayed drawings showing elevations of the proposed building noting that there are 6 entry doors and decks that extend out from the building.  A full walkout area to the rear of the building is proposed; a retaining wall is proposed for one side and the other side will be graded down.  

In response to Ms. Keith’s question, Mr. Ellis noted that the retaining wall is 4 feet to 6 feet at the highest point; there will be a fence at the top.  

In response to Mr. Starr’s question, Mr. Ellis noted that the proposed building will not contain sprinklers. Ted Brennan explained that all the dormitories have sprinklers but none of the faculty housing buildings have sprinklers.  Mr. Ellis added that the Fire Marshal wants to make sure that there is adequate access to both the front and rear of the new building because sprinklers will not be installed.  

In response to Mr. Gackstatter’s question, Mr. Ellis noted that the proposed building will be wood framed.        

Mr. Brennan explained that the proposed building will contain a local fire alarm system; it won’t be tied into the school’s automation system but if one unit’s alarm goes off the whole complex will go off.  He noted that this is how the other duplex houses on the site are wired.  He added that there is a fire wall between each unit.  

In response to Ms. Keith’s question, Mr. Brennan explained that 15 parking spaces are being added and noted that there already exists a grassed area for parking.  In response to Mr. Cappello’s question, Mr. Brennan noted that the proposed building is about the same height as the existing buildings.  

In response to Mr. Kushner’s comment about maintaining some distance between the proposed building and the parking lot, Mr. Ellis confirmed that the building size was increased slightly in order to obtain the square footage needed on the inside.  He noted that there is approximately 5 feet to an existing sanitary sewer lateral and explained that the building will be moved to the north if it is determined that there is room once the area is dug up and the sewer is located.  

In response to Mr. Gackstatter’s question, Mr. Ellis noted that the parking lot is on grade with the building.  

In response to Mr. Kushner’s question, Mr. Brennan, explained that the School’s Board of Directors are in agreement that it is acceptable to have the parking area close to the edge of the new building.  He noted that the School Board wants to ensure that there will be adequate parking for everyone.  Mr. Brennan noted that the Headmaster requested the green space for the families living in the faculty housing.  

Mr. Gackstatter motioned to approve App. #4597 subject to the following condition:

1.      Fire response access to the northern-most facility shall be subject to review and approval by the Fire Marshal.

The motion, seconded by Mr. Cappello, received unanimous approval.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Sadlon, Clerk


At a meeting held on April 10, 2012, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon voted as follows:

App. #4598 -    Avon Land Trust, owner, Town of Avon, applicant, request for Zone Change from RU2A to ROS, 17.21 acres, 65 Chidsey Road, Parcel 1780065  APPROVED  EFFECTIVE MAY 10, 2012

App. #4597 -    Avon Old Farms School, Inc., owner, Poirier Homes, LLC, applicant, request for Site Plan Approval to construct 6-unit faculty residence, 500 Old Farms Road, Parcel 3360500, in an EL Zone  APPROVED WITH CONDITION

Dated at Avon this 11th  day of April, 2012.  Copy of this notice is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk, Avon Town Hall.

Duane Starr, Chair
Linda Keith, Vice-Chair


The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 1, 2012, at 7:30 P.M. at the Avon Town Hall:

App. #4599 -    William Deramo, owner/applicant, request for 2-lot resubdivision, 2.96 acres, 359 West Avon Road, Parcel 4520359 in an R40 Zone

All interested persons may appear and be heard and written communications will be received.  Applications are available for inspection in Planning and Community Development at the Avon Town Hall.  Dated at Avon this 17th  day of April, 2012.

Duane Starr, Chair
Linda Keith, Vice-Chair