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Library Renovation Minutes 03/21/2012
MARCH 21, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Free Public Library, Second Floor Conference Room. Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Secretary David Goldsholl, Janet Stokesbury, Scott Boos, Barbara Leonard, and J. Tad Kuziak. Member absent: Diane Carney. Also in attendance were Assistant Town Manager Steve Bartha, Director of Public Works Bruce Williams, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Architect Peter Wells, Design Consultant Janis Newell and Enterprise Builders Project Engineer Wayne Czarnecki.

Ms. Hornaday thanked Mr. Wells for conducting the tour of the building for the town officials. She noted that she’s been receiving positive comments on the progress of the project.

Ms. Hornaday noted a typo in section VI – should be “book” and not “brook.”

Mr. Goldsholl requested follow up to items mentioned in the last meeting. Ms. Leonard reported that the Library Board agreed to cover the cost of the “nook” for $2,700. Mr. Goldsholl asked about the status of the punch list. Mr. Bartha reminded that he sent an email saying that it was too late to add to the punch list as the items were already being addressed for the first phase. He added that if a member had an item to add to the list to contact Mr. Wells. Mr. Wells said there are two punch lists remaining: one for phase II and one for external items. He added too that there will be a final list before the final release of the building and that it’s an ongoing process. Mr. Wells noted that there still could be some items open even given the ok of the building official to open such as landscaping. Mr. Czarnecki explained that open punch list items are given a value which will not be paid until completion. Mr. Czarnecki added too that all the life safety has been addressed. Mr. Boos asked if the items have been given a dollar figure. Mr. Czarnecki said not yet but would be gone through for the March submission.

Mr. Goldsholl continued the item follow up with the issue of the parking lots being left on after midnight. Mr. Williams said that he had reprogrammed the set points to turn the lights off at midnight, and that he would have the police check.

VOTE: Mr. Kuziak motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to accept the February 15th minutes with the change. Mr. Boos abstained as he was absent from the meeting.

Ms. Vocelli noted that the front door was still open to consider this a public meeting.


VI. UPDATE AND REPORT FROM a. Construction Manager, b. Architect
Mr. Czarnecki reported that they are wrapping up miscellaneous items: painting and flooring. The landscapers are to return Friday to install the balance of the irrigation system. Balancing of the equipment is being done. Mr. Wells noted that the elevator has passed inspection. Mr. Kuziak remarked that the changes that have taken place are just incredible. Mr. Czarnecki thanked his supervisor James as being instrumental in putting out the day-to-day fires. Ms. Vocelli invited everyone to attend an 11:30 AM picnic to be held Friday to celebrate James as it will be his last day on the job. Ms. Vocelli credited the hard work of the Public Works department as well.

Ms. Hornaday asked the status of the carpet circles. Mr. Czarnecki said they are scheduled to arrive 1 – 2 weeks and will be installed in time for the formal opening. Ms. Newell said they would wait until after the furniture was placed in order to determine the most natural path for the circles. Ms. Hornaday added that the circles would help to break up the look as the carpet is so expansive.

Mr. Wells said everything was fine.

VII. OLD BUSINESS a. Project Budget Update, b. Approval of Invoices, c. Review of Potential Change Order Log, d. Review and Action: Window Treatments, e. Discuss Grand Opening (June 10, 2012 at 1:00 p.m.
Mr. Bartha summed that the budget numbers did not vary much from last month’s. The estimated balance shrunk a little from $98,000 last month to $91,000 this month. The weather delay negotiations are close to completion, which will add back to the balance if settled for less than requested. Mr. Bartha noted too that the window treatments to be discussed tonight are already reflected in the contingency number. Mr. Goldsholl questioned if the to be discussed sidewalk issue was reflected in the number. Mr. Bartha said not as of yet. Ms. Stokesbury questioned the drywall modification amount as being high. Mr. Bartha said the $20,000 figure from last month reflected the entire second floor which included all the strange angles. He said the $10,000 figure for the balance should be less because of all the drywall’s right angles. Ms. Stokesbury continued if the $30,000 figure was normal. Mr. Wells said this building has roof slopes and angles of beams that impacted the figure as well as unexpected changes resulting in some walls needing to be moved. Mr. Czarnecki said the figure reflected an $8,000 credit as well.

Mr. Bartha drew attention to two invoices: Avon Water for $3,848.20 and CS & L for $4,543.00. The Avon Water invoice relates to an agreement signed with the town in December, 2010 and requires payment and an affidavit outlining the costs for the water main crossing. Mr. Bartha included the cost on the contingency line. The CS & L invoice is to cover the door lock software that will be covered 2/3 by the IT and Public Works budget and 1/3 by the project. Mr. William’s long term plan is to roll this technology out to the other town buildings. Mr. Goldsholl asked if there was a continuing cost associated with the system. Mr. Williams said it was a non proprietary system that did not require an annual cost to maintain. Mr. Williams added that the lock industry was going wireless and that this system could be programmed right from the computer. Mr. Williams said too that there would be more invoices to follow that would cover other areas. Mr. Boos questioned why the project would cover a third of the invoice.

Mr. Bartha relayed that the FFE invoices have been reviewed and approved by Ms. Newell to hold back full payment as not all of the items have come in yet.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Stokesbury seconded and all agreed to present for payment the following invoices: Enterprise Builders Application and Certificate for Payment #016 dated 2/29/12 in the amount of $418,268.00, The Avon Water Company invoice #12-02007 dated 2/16/12 in the amount of $3,848.20, Real Integrated Systems invoice #4497 dated 1/30/12 in the amount of $30,000.00, Insalco Corporation invoice #2476 dated 3/12/12 in the amount of $11,930.00, Data Tel invoice #00014355 dated 3/14/12 in the amount of $22,000.00, Wiremen Inc. invoice dated 3/14/12 in the amount of $3,800.00 and CSL invoice #1000068994 dated 3/15/12 in the amount of $1,500.00 for a total of $491,346.20. None opposed.

Mr. Czarnecki noted that there was nothing on the change order log that needed approval at tonight’s meeting. Mr. Goldsholl asked if we should be concerned about the items that had a “0” in the proposed column. Mr. Bartha referred to item 120 (attic access opening modifications) for a ball park estimated cost of $3,500, item 121 (existing window mullion modifications) for $1,500 and item 99 (room B12 storage door) for roughly $1,000. Mr. Goldsholl then estimated the remaining contingency to be $85,000. Mr. Bartha guessed between $75,000 and $100,000.

Mr. Bartha mentioned that there were two other items not noted: the plaque for the building and the committee’s contribution to the grand opening. He checked with Ms. LaMonica who saw no reason why the contribution to the festivities wouldn’t be appropriate. Ms. Vocelli said that the Library Board would be paying for their own events and the grand opening would be the responsibility of the town. Mr. Bartha said that no decision had to be made tonight. Mr. Goldsholl wanted to make sure that monies would not be misappropriated for an opening. Ms. Hornaday thought that the monies would be appropriate as it was considered part of the opening of a building.

Ms. Vocelli remarked that the sign company also makes building plaques. Mr. Wells suggested the committee start putting the plaque language together immediately so as to have all in agreement for the time it’s needed. Ms. Hornaday volunteered Mr. Bartha to handle the draft.

Mr. Bartha relayed that the Library Board agreed at the February meeting to cover half the cost of the window treatments, not to exceed $15,000.00. He mentioned too that the window tinting would require two more bids with a price not to exceed $3,955.00. Single layer black-out drapes installed in the children’s area would cost $4,860.80 and blinds and mini shades installed throughout the building would cost $15,018.44.  The three together total $23,833.94.

Ms. Stokesbury asked if anyone looked into the CL &P window tinting program mentioned at the last meeting. Ms. Vocelli said she did and found the process complicated and not really applicable to a new construction. Mr. Goldsholl clarified that it is designed to upgrade an old building. Ms. Stokesbury questioned if the window tinting would compromise the warranty on the windows. Mr. Wells said that he checked with the window agent and found that it would not.

Ms. Newell explained that the drapery material had to meet flammability standards which increase the cost. Ms. Stokesbury thanked her for explaining why the cost of the fabric is so high. Mr. Boos questioned who priced the shades. Ms. Newell said BCI which is part of the State contract, and prevailing wages are paid for the installation, not the fabric. Mr. Boos asked if he could have a firm he uses quote the shades in an effort to save a little money. Ms. Newell said she’d need 4-6 weeks to order material and have it installed. Ms. Hornaday would like everything ready in time for the grand opening. Mr. Bartha suggested voting on an amount not to exceed $24,000 for all three items – shades, drapes and tinting. If Mr. Boos’ suggested vendor comes in with a lower price then the committee can deal with it. Ms. Hornaday noted that she doesn’t see the needs for blinds in people’s offices. Ms. Vocelli suggested they would help to block when presentations are made in adjoining rooms for example. Ms. Hornaday agreed with her explanation and questioned a need for privacy.

VOTE: Mr. Kuziak motioned, Mr. Boos seconded and all agreed to purchase window treatments that would not exceed a total price of $24,000.00. None opposed.

Ms. Hornaday relayed that she and Mr. Bartha attended the Library Board’s meeting held to discuss plans for the library grand opening June 10th. Ms. Hornaday said that it’d be a three day event, having the Library Board’s major donors honored on Friday night, with the remaining donors honored on Saturday night and the town’s dedication of the building slated for Sunday with official speakers. Mr. Bartha posed if the committee wanted to follow the layout of the previously held groundbreaking event which included inviting several officials to speak. Ms. Hornaday spoke to Mr. LeGeyt about attending the event and added that she’d have to let him know if the committee agreed. Ms. Stokesbury questioned if the Governor would be invited. Ms. Vocelli mentioned that Ms. Wyman would love to come if invited. Ms. Hornaday reminded that the speaking time would be limited as people get bored easily with extensive speeches. Members discussed also inviting Tom Newman from the State Library and Ms. Blythe Robinson, the former Assistant Town Manager. Invitations will come from the Town Manager’s office.

Ms. Hornaday suggested marking the ground where the library used to be located to help people to compare. Photographs of the old library against the new can help people to visualize the difference. Ms. Vocelli told of a teen’s video that was done showing the old library. Mr. Kuziak suggested pictures shown on computers to show the befores and afters.

Ms. Stokesbury questioned if the speeches would be done outside in the courtyard followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony. Ms. Vocelli suggested speeches could be done in the community room. Mr. Goldsholl questioned if Mary Suter would be arranging these details. Ms. Hornaday said Ms. Suter would be working with the donor piece while the committee would work with the town piece. Ms. Vocelli said there’d be more festivities after the town piece with music and food. Mr. Bartha recapped that the program would begin at 1:00 with 1:30 a brief formal ceremony and then followed by festivities throughout the building until 5:00 PM. Ms. Hornaday suggested also inviting members of Mr. Wells’ and Mr. Czarnecki’s offices and the people who worked on the project. She’d like a draft to show the names of the contractors who worked on the project. Mr. Bartha will handle the program. Ms. Vocelli offered to help him and will research samples of what is customary.

VIII. NEW BUSINESS a. Discuss Council Request re Sidewalks
Mr. Goldsholl suggested the members read the summary provided by Mr. Bartha. In short, the Town Council requested that the building committee encumber project funds to install concrete sidewalk where the asphalt was previously located. The original architectural design of the project did not call for the replacement of the existing bituminous sidewalks, nor was this requested by the PZC as neither part of their approval of the site plan nor have a master plan calling for the extension of sidewalks all the way to Burnham Road. Ms. Hornaday said the committee can justify paying for the sidewalk that was damaged by the construction and use concrete in lieu of bituminous. Mr. Bartha said the PZC shares an opinion with all the sidewalks throughout the town. He added that one Town Council member would like to see the sidewalk extend to Burnham Road. Mr. Bartha said the committee did improve the sidewalk in front making an improvement that wasn’t called for. The Town Council asked if Mr. Williams could price out what the cost would be to put the sidewalk where it used to be. Putting the sidewalk to Burnham Road would entail getting permission from the property owner. Discussions have been made in moving the crosswalk down towards Sunnybrook as well. Ms. Stokesbury was concerned where the people would cross for an event when they park across the street. Ms. Vocelli said they cross everywhere. Mr. Bartha summed that he wanted to relay what was discussed at the Town Council meeting and these proposed changes were still a couple of months away. A figure of $27,000 was given by the contractor to put in a 40-60 ft. piece of concrete sidewalk and town could do the site work. Ms. Hornaday felt the question is whether the committee would set aside the money to repair/replace what was out there that got damaged during the construction appropriate to what we went to referendum for. She added that she’d like to work with Public Works to get the price down as well. Mr. Goldsholl agreed that we put back the sidewalk that was there. Ms. Hornaday said she’d be willing to replace what was there but not use the monies from the project to extend it. Ms. Hornaday said too that legally the town could not take the money out of the project and use if for other projects. Mr. Bartha said this was a discussion item that required no action. Mr. Williams can start getting prices to do the work.

IX. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter to State Library re 2nd Application for Payment
Ms. Hornaday asked if there were any questions regarding the letter. The general consensus was that the members were glad things were going well with the grant.

The next meeting will be held in the same room – Conference Room 2 in the Avon Free Public Library.

VOTE: Mr. Kuziak motioned, Mr. Goldsholl seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM. None opposed.


                                                                        Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person


                                                                        David Goldsholl, Secretary