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Library Renovation Minutes 02/16/11
FEBRUARY 16, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room Town Hall Building 1. Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Barbara Leonard, J. Tad Kuziak, Janet Stokesbury, Scott Boos, Secretary David Goldsholl and Diane Carney. Members absent: none.  Also in attendance were Assistant to the Town Manager Steve Bartha, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant Library Director Donna Miller, Architect Peter Wells, Public Works Director Bruce Williams, Enterprise Builders Operations Manager Michael McNaboe, Enterprise Builders Project Engineer Wayne Czarnecki, Interior Design Consultant Janis Newell and Avon Patch Reporter Jessie Sawyer.

VOTE: Ms. Leonard motioned, Mr. Boos seconded and all agreed to accept the January 19, 2011 minutes as presented. Mr. Kuziak abstained as he was absent from the meeting.

Ms. Vocelli introduced a construction newsletter she’s started to update patrons and neighbors on the progress of the renovation. The first issue is titled “Where’s the bookdrop?” and will be used as a way to let people know what the library is doing. The goal is to draw attention to alerts such as when the library will close due to the construction schedule or project milestones. She asked the members for ideas. Ms. Hornaday suggested placing it on the bulletin board at Luke’s, which sees lots of local traffic.

Ms. Hornaday asked for follow-up information regarding questions raised at the last meeting on lien waivers and bond processes. Mr. Boos questioned if a subcontractor could lien the job. Mr. Bartha spoke to the town attorney who said no, but that the lien waivers would be collected with the certified payrolls. Mr. Bartha continued that, with regard to the budget, the money was already in the project’s related accounts and would therefore pose no cash flow issues. Mr. Goldsholl questioned Enterprise about the possibility of discounts for timely payments of invoices. Mr. Czarnecki responded that he had checked with Keith and that it wasn’t something that he was willing to do. Mr. Goldsholl cautioned too that there was approximately $17,000.00 in change orders already, whether this would net a positive, and to keep it in mind in the discussion about value engineering decisions.  

Ms. Stokesbury congratulated Ms. Miller on her appointment as Library Director for the Town of Newington. Ms. Miller lamented leaving Avon as the project gets underway but looks forward to her new position as Newington is planning a library expansion as well. Other members joined in with the congratulations and wished her well.

V. CONSTRUCTION MANAGER UPDATE/REPORT – Value Engineering Decision Schedule
Mr. McNaboe reported that they were beginning to pour the concrete, all the utilities have been moved and a new electrical service installed. Once the concrete is poured they can get the steel erected which is projected for mid March. Shop drawings are still being exchanged with the design team. A ten day delay has been incurred because of the bad weather and he hopes to make up some of that time when getting the concrete and steel done.

Ms. Carney questioned the value engineering decision schedule format. Mr. Czarnecki explained that these were the items and values that were eliminated earlier when the committee was asked to trim the project to meet the $8.7 million budget number.  Values and decision deadlines show the items that could be added back to the original project in case monies become available. Ms. Hornaday said a decision about adding back items in the first section had to be made at tonight’s meeting. She added that she had asked Enterprise to prepare this document so we’d have a complete list. Mr. Williams explained that savings were really about contingency and the bottom line number. He added that going along through the project we ask what our contingency is, and if it’s a strong one to then consider adding items back. Mr. Bartha added that when we reached key milestones in the project and felt comfortable with the contingency then we could make decisions to add items. Mr. Boos noted that the nine items in the first section of the list were identified by the construction manager as items that needed to be acted on now. Mr. Goldsholl cautioned that we were still too early in the project to jeopardize the contingency when real tests still could lie ahead. He mentioned the $17,000.00 in change orders that have been identified already. Ms. Carney agreed that she feared that we shouldn’t be adding back items this early in the game. Ms. Stokesbury noted the possibility of the fundraising efforts being added to the equation especially regarding the Avon Market Place streetscape assembly. Ms. Vocelli was upset too that decisions had to be made so early but understands that schedules have to be kept. She hoped that long term ease of maintenance items would be left in. Mr. Boos again urged that decisions had to be made tonight. Mr. Wells offered that monies had already been found through reducing the amount of irrigation sprinklers and added that the team is constantly reviewing and updating the job. He called it a moving target.

Committee members discussed the items that required a decision. These included ceramic tile in the bathrooms, window glazing, sprinkler head height, stairwell flooring and carpeting. Mr. Williams spoke of the easier maintenance and better appearance values gained by installing ceramic tile throughout the bathrooms. Mr. Wells cautioned that semi-recessed sprinkler heads could create a potential hazard for breakage. Mr. Williams interjected that the town now had a $10,000 deductible on liability. Mr. Wells also urged the members to keep the pendant mounted light fixtures as his experience had shown that libraries need good lighting. Mr. Czarnecki said he created the list from his experience and the deadline dates reflect items that he’s found to be problematic. Dye lots could change when items are not ordered at the same time. Mr. McNaboe added that vendors could order items ahead when prices could be more attractive and then store the items. Mr. Goldsholl suggested the need to create a process to track and manage the contingency to help avoid lengthy discussions. Ms. Hornaday cautioned that contingency money should be saved for the renovation portion of the project as this is historically where problems are found.

Ms. Hornaday asked for consensus on items to be added back.

VOTE: Item 13A (Semi recessed sprinkler heads in lieu of fully recessed $1,137.95) All voted in favor to keep the item (recessed heads). Mr. Goldsholl abstained.

VOTE: Item 9J (VCT flooring with resilient base in all bathrooms in lieu of ceramic tile $5,145.00) All voted in favor to keep the item (ceramic floor tile). Ms. Carney and Mr. Goldsholl abstained.

VOTE: Item 16H (Change Type D pendant mounted fixtures to Type A1 and A2x4 indirect/direct recessed lighting (113-A & 30A1 $6,207.00) All voted in favor to keep the item (original proposed lighting). Mr. Goldsholl abstained.

The total of the items voted back in is $12,489.95. Items E, 9F, 9G, 9K, 8B are to be left out. Item C (floor to ceiling ceramic tile in the bathrooms) will be discussed at a later date. Mr. Wells said he’ll make a change order to add the voted items back into the budget. Ms. Vocelli offered to present the VE list to Library Board President Mary Suter. Mr. Bartha asked Enterprise to share the list so he could keep it maintained in his office.

VI. ARCHITECT UPDATE/REPORT – Review, Discussion, and Approval of Light Fixtures, Review, Discussion, and Approval of Floor Finishes
Mr. Wells began by saying the site conditions were the best he’s ever seen. The soil was perfect with no surprises. Concrete is currently being poured.  Shop drawings continue to flow between his office and the construction manager’s. He’s encouraged by the progress despite the problems with the weather. Mr. Wells added that he’s trying to get more information on the phasing of the project. The supervisor James Nolin has been helpful with this. Ms. Vocelli and Mr. Bartha complimented Mr. Williams’ tenacity in committing CL & P to a date for the power transfer and easement. Mr. Boos questioned what would we have done without him.

Ms. Vocelli said that the biggest hardship the construction project has caused has been with the parking. Staff members park across the street while construction workers park wherever they can. The builders are doing everything they can to provide safety to the patrons. She said too that the construction has provided a great learning tool for visitors who stop to watch. Mr. Boos questioned where the soil from the job is going. Mr. Wells said the builders own it and will take away what they don’t use after providing berms and backfill.

Mr. Wells and Ms. Vocelli passed around interior and exterior lighting brochures for the members to peruse. Ms. Hornaday thanked them for the information.

Ms. Newell re-presented color boards showing flooring and tile materials that were suggested at the last meeting as selection decisions needed to be made at this meeting.  No changes were made to the adult area. Ms. Stokesbury questioned the small size of the ceramic tile for the bathroom flooring. Ms. Newell said they were a less expensive option. The children’s area carpet can be similarly recreated by another manufacturer in order to stay in budget. The teen area is the same as previously presented. She said the only choice to be made is a rubber stair tread for the main stairway for which she suggested a speckled finish, which hides sand well. Mr. Boos suggested she put together an 8-1/2” x 11” description of everything we’ve approved thus far before a vote is made on the selections. The members thanked Ms. Newell for the presentation. (A copy of the finish and lighting selections are attached to these minutes submitted 2/17/11)

Mr. Bartha updated the members on the budget. Utility transfer costs are complete. He was pleased to report that nothing was over budget.

VIII. APPROVAL OF INVOICES – Enterprise Builders $204,647.00, Tuthill + Wells $8,603.00, Special Testing Laboratories $1,449.50, Special Testing Laboratories $500.00, Eagle Environmental $350.00
Mr. Bartha reminded the members of the Enterprise Builders construction progress update piece that was e-mailed after the agenda was sent and said these updates would be included in the agenda packets from now on. The $204,647.00 amount reflects work done through the end of January. The numbers were reviewed at the construction meeting and signed off by the architect for review and approval by the committee members. Mr. Bartha is recommending payment of this invoice.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Carney seconded and all agreed to approve for payment the Enterprise Builders application for payment in the amount of $204,647.00. None opposed.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to present for payment the Tuthill and Wells Architects, LLC invoice #3917 in the amount of $8,603.00. None opposed.

Mr. Bartha added that this amount shouldn’t vary too much from now on. The next two invoices are for special testing.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to present for payment the two Special Testing Laboratories, Inc. invoices #25557, in the amount of $1,449.50 and #25535 in the amount of $500.00. None opposed.

VOTE: Ms. Carney motioned, Mr. Kuziak seconded and all agreed to present for payment the Eagle Environmental, Inc. invoice # 8714 in the amount of $350.00. None opposed.

Mr. Bartha said this invoice was for radon testing which came back favorable.

The next meeting will be a month from now on March 16th to be held in the Avon Room in Town Hall. Mr. Boos asked Mr. Bartha to investigate the remedy for lost days due to bad weather. Mr. Bartha said he believed the builders would get more time to complete the project, but no extra money.  Mr. Bartha said he would consult with the Town Attorney.  Mr. Boos also questioned the current steel issues the builders are having with the supplier, due to escalating steel prices of 25 – 45% in the last two months. Mr. Bartha said Enterprise could discuss the issue at the next meeting, and added that we hit the bidding market at the right time because now commodity prices are shooting upwards.

VOTE: Mr. Kuziak motioned, Ms. Carney seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 PM. None opposed.


                                                                Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person



                                                                David Goldsholl, Secretary