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Library Renovation Minutes 01/05/11
JANUARY 5, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 AM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room Town Hall Building 1. Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Barbara Leonard, J. Tad Kuziak, Janet Stokesbury and Diane Carney. Members absent: Scott Boos and David Goldsholl.  Also in attendance were Assistant to the Town Manager Steve Bartha, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant Library Director Donna Miller, Architect Peter Wells, Public Works Director Bruce Williams and Enterprise Builders Operations Manager Michael McNaboe.

Mr. Kuziak requested changing the wording under section IV, page 2 to have everyone refer to Enterprise directly with comments, not the subcontractors.

VOTE: Mr. Kuziak motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to approve the December 15th meeting minutes as presented with the change. Ms. Stokesbury abstained as she was absent from the meeting.


Ms. Stokesbury questioned if there was any feedback from the neighbors. Ms. Vocelli answered that she’d received comments of curiosity as well as concern over trucks using Sunnybrook Drive. She spoke to the construction supervisor who assured her that traffic would be minimal there and of short duration. She added that staff has been instructed to refer questions or comments to herself or Assistant Library Director Ms. Miller. Staff has also been instructed to park across the street as parking issues warrant. Mr. Wells spoke to the supervisor about the concrete trucks lining up, to which Mr. McNaboe said they’d use the Country Club location and not Sunnybrook. He also added that fencing had been added to the parking lot to cordon off the construction activity from the library patrons.

Mr. McNaboe relayed that the utility relocation is going well. He is waiting for CL & P’s easement approval to get the power, cable and telephone lines through. The infrastructure for the new electrical service is installed. Excavation and concrete are scheduled to begin on the Sunnybrook Drive side of the building next week. Temporary egress paths for the first and second floors will begin construction this week as well, as required by Jamie DiPace, the Fire Marshal. He said the weather has been with us too. Mr. McNaboe reminded that Enterprise would be supplying shovels and hats for the groundbreaking ceremony and asked if there was anything else the committee needed.

Ms. Stokesbury questioned the need for the easement. Mr. McNaboe said that in the past a town project wouldn’t typically require an easement. He said CL & P required it for documentation for this project. Ms. Hornaday offered that it helps to document the location for future inquiries. She was pleased that things were going well.

Ms. Miller added a comment a construction worker offered while she was photographing the project’s progress. The worker said that he didn’t mind the cold as he was glad to have work, because before this job, there was nothing (no work).

Ms. Stokesbury suggested having the newspapers report these types of comments. Mr. Kuziak agreed as this supports the timing of the project.

Mr. Wells reported that the project was underway with no issues and on schedule. Enterprise is waiting now for the utility company to bring power. The underground oil tank was removed with no problems. Ms. Vocelli is currently having problems with the heating and waiting for the service people to address it. Mr. Wells continued that he is still receiving shop drawings and brought the electrical manual to share for the members to get a look at the light fixtures. He and Mr. Williams will peruse the manual for the best light fixture suitability. Mr. Kuziak questioned the light choices. Mr. Wells chose fixtures based on efficiency and appearance. Fixtures were also chosen on their compatibility with fixtures used in other Town buildings for companion replacement parts. Mr. Wells added that the subcontractor supplied exactly what we requested and could be changed if asked. Ms. Vocelli suggested leaving another copy of the electric submittals at the library for others to see. Ms. Carney questioned who chooses the decorative lighting. Mr. Wells said his office did and would not sign off until the members and Ms. Vocelli agreed to the choices.  

Mr. Wells included a color board with suggestions for flooring, tile and upholstery. He added that choices needed to be made soon to facilitate the bid process for these items as materials can take three to four months to acquire. Ms. Vocelli said there would be other color boards presented at the next meeting, January 19th, which will take place at the Library. Ms. Newell will attend as well to present her recommendations. Ms. Hornaday said finish selections are needed in order to make color choices. Chairs will be in setting with carpet choices. She is glad to have the actual person present to speak to the choices they’ve made. Ms. Hornaday said too that Ms. Newell will have estimated costs as well.

Ms. Carney asked Mr. Wells to clarify the bathroom tile change. She had the impression that changes were being made without the committee’s approval. He assured her that any changes would be brought before the members before a decision is made. Changes are brought before Enterprise as well for cost consideration.

Mr. Bartha reported that not much had changed since the last budget discussion. He had not yet received the first construction invoices from Enterprise Builders. The $8,468.00 figure reflects the costs to date for temporary utilities. He expects another $7,000.00 for water which will still be under budget for that budget line item. He did not include the attorney’s invoices, as they reflect monthly services for the Town as a whole, and offered for the members to view if requested.  

Mr. Kuziak questioned payment practices for the project. He wondered if discounts were offered if paid by certain dates, i.e. 2% 10 days. Mr. Bartha said we are on a 30 day payment schedule with checks going out every two weeks. Mr. Williams added that a payment schedule would be forthcoming. He said currently we are paying on the utility start-ups and we’d see progress payments with the receipt of a schedule of values he’d submit to the members soon.

VIII. APPROVAL OF INVOICES: CL & P $3,769.38, AT & T $3,164.56, Graybar $2,405.33, Advanced Reprographics $1,879.18
Mr. Kuziak requested to hold off payment of invoices until receipt, referring to the Graybar invoice. Mr. Bartha explained that Mr. Williams had to order the box to drop in the open ground and couldn’t wait and that this was a part of the utility start-up cost and not indicative of the norm. Mr. Williams added that it was a result of CL & P changing its mind three times and that normally he gets prices and receives invoices before payment is issued.

VOTE: Ms. Carney motioned, Ms. Stokesbury seconded and all agreed to pay the AT & T, CL & P, Graybar and Advanced Reprographics invoices as presented. None opposed.

IX. OTHER BUSINESS: Memo regarding use of Project Contingency, Groundbreaking ceremony – January 8, 2011
Ms. Hornaday was pleased that Mr. Bartha put in writing the contingency information. Mr. Bartha relayed that the Town Attorney said that no matter how crystal clear you make the contract language, there will be areas of dispute. If it’s in the drawings or a very clear omission, the cost is then to be covered by the construction manager or subcontractor. Examples include a sudden increase in the price of materials, underestimated administrative costs on the part of the CM or project delays caused by the builder or subcontractors. If an item if left out of the drawings and is properly the subject of a change order, then it will come out of the Town’s contingency amount. Mr. Bartha said we will be leaning on Mr. Wells to represent our interests when there will be areas where it won’t be so clear about what is subject to the change order process.

Ms. Hornaday suggested continuing with the groundbreaking ceremony despite the prediction of snow for the event. She’d like the committee members to arrive at 10:30 AM. Ms. Vocelli said Mr. Bartha, Ms. Miller and Ms. Panik will be there at 9:00 AM to set up. The fundraising committee will provide giveaways in the foyer. Ms. Suter will begin the ceremony. Mr. Bartha will contact the Hartford Courant and the local papers will take lots of pictures as well. Ms. Leonard said the Friends of the Library are sending a town wide newsletter that will feature the groundbreaking ceremony and project updates. Mr. Kuziak suggested name tags. Mr. Bartha can have his office provide these.

VOTE: Mr. Kuziak motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 AM. None opposed.

                                                Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                David Goldsholl, Secretary