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Library Renovation Minutes 11/10/10

NOVEMBER 10, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room Town Hall Building 1. Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Secretary David Goldsholl, Barbara Leonard, Janet Stokesbury, Scott Boos and Diane Carney. Member absent: J. Tad Kuziak.  Also in attendance were Town Manager Brandon Robertson, Assistant to the Town Manager Steve Bartha, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant Library Director Donna Miller, Architect Peter Wells, Enterprise Builders Operations Manager Michael McNaboe, Public Works Director Bruce Williams, Library Board of Trustees President Mary LaBelle Suter and Hartford Courant reporter Julie Stagis.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to accept the November 3, 2010 minutes as presented. Ms. Carney abstained as she was absent from the meeting.

On behalf of herself and the Library Board, Ms. Suter thanked those in attendance for all their hard work on the project and their continued commitment. She commented that important decisions were to be made at this meeting regarding budget shortfalls and the impact they would have on the scope of the renovation project. She first and foremost wanted to make sure that the integrity and operation of the building were not to be compromised in any way by cuts, noting that she preferred cutting items that could be augmented in the future.  She mentioned two items that she believed were important to keep in the project.  First, the courtyard truly would provide inexpensive space to host outdoor music events or lectures.  Second, the painted Avon Marketplace scenes in the children’s area would provide an early learning tool and promote community spirit.

Ms. Suter questioned the loss of the project’s million dollars, given the receipt of the state grant, and felt improper representation was made by those involved in the project regarding that decision.  She asked if we had to adhere to the new $8.5 million dollar budget figure. Mr. Robertson explained that the Town Council was indeed committed to the project and the decision was based on the architect’s letter stating that $1.0 million in savings could be achieved from the original estimate. Mr. Wells countered that figures were based on collaborative efforts of his and the construction manager’s offices. Mr. Wells also said that they had to find ways to reduce the number because the project was in danger of stopping. Mr. McNaboe mentioned that there also were add-ins from the Planning and Zoning requirements, which included the front book drop and roadwork, which increased the budget by $50,000. Mr. Robertson said that we have not compromised the square footage or floor plan, but that some of the nice-to-haves had to be reduced. Ms. Hornaday said that the million dollars translated to a reduction of 16%, which is substantial. Ms. Hornaday added that the previous evening’s Town Council meeting went well and she felt they expressed their continued commitment for the project. She felt confident going forward with the list as well as making recommendations at the December Town Council meeting to add back certain items that would add long-term value to the town and save money. Mr. Robertson concurred that the Town Council would be receptive to items added back when considering their value to the town.

Ms. Suter again thanked the members for their efforts. She updated the members on the fundraising efforts to date and added that they were seeking grant options as well. The $500,000 amount had been committed to date though not received, because donors contributing $1,000 or more were given the option to pay over a three year period. Ms. Carney questioned what the Board would do with the money. Ms. Suter replied that figures are earmarked for furniture, technology related features, enhancements for the History Room and, hopefully, funds for a self checkout system, if they exceeded their goal. She did express the toughness of the fundraising environment, given the current economic climate, and also mentioned recognition opportunities for $10,000 and up donors. Ms. Carney requested a list of the recognition opportunities and also expressed dismay, feeling the building committee had been left out of the loop. Ms. Suter also requested a list of the considered cuts so that she can be made aware of shortfalls in order to step up her fundraising efforts for those areas.

Ms. Hornaday reminded the members that we are not in an adversarial relationship with the Town Council, but a cooperative one. The committee works to provide the Town Council with the information to make the best decision for the Town and in this case build the best quality building for the residents. She also added that this is a discussion and nothing is final until it is recommended and approved by the Town Council. In the end, the committee will fade away but the building will have the Town Council’s name on it.

Ms. Leonard thanked Ms. Suter for attending the meeting and sharing information about the Board’s efforts towards the project and looked forward to building a great library for the Town.

Mr. Goldsholl questioned the contingency amount. Mr. Bartha explained that there is $350,000 in contingency funds that anticipate unforeseen problems that arise in renovating an existing building. Mr. McNaboe said the contingency figure covers the “wild card” of what you’ll find in a project like this that was not anticipated.

Mr. Boos wanted to emphasize that none of the amounts that were being discussed at tonight’s meetings would adversely affect the structural integrity of the building. Mr. Wells too added that they were not touching anything that would affect the performance of the building such as insulation or the mechanical systems.

Ms. Hornaday reminded the committee of the importance of any communications such as e-mails etc. that will become subject to FOI and open to the public record. We need to be aware, careful, and handle everything correctly so we don’t create a problem for the Town Council, ourselves or Mr. Robertson.

Mr. Bartha mentioned that next week’s regular meeting would coincide with a CIP meeting and requested the committee vote to change the time of the regular evening meeting to the morning.

VOTE: Ms. Stokesbury motioned, Mr. Boos seconded and all agreed to change the time of next Wednesday’s, November 17th regular meeting from 7:00 PM to 7:30 AM. None opposed.

Mr. McNaboe provided an updated version of the list of budget items to be considered for cuts to address the budget shortfall. Ms. Hornaday asked that he go over the list and explain any abbreviations or clarify information. Mr. McNaboe instructed that all items could be added later but that his charge was to identify areas that could be considered for cuts that would not compromise the structural integrity or operation of the building and he added that he had written quotes on the items. He also said he gave the list to Mr. Wells as well for his consideration and comment. Some of the items for consideration included the courtyard. Originally it included paving and an ornamental fence with architectural detail but could remain as a grass area with an asphalt sidewalk to keep the egress, for less money. Retaining original windows, eliminating rubber flooring on stairwells, reducing ceramic tile amounts, bituminous walks in lieu of concrete, eliminating the pre-school Avon Market streetscape assembly or glass display cabinet at the History Room entrance, reducing cleaning costs, landscape items, flooring material, painting in lieu of wall coverings, aluminum feeder conductors for sub panels instead of copper, semi recessed sprinkler heads, PVC over cast iron for pipes or lighting fixture options were areas where budget reductions or substitutes could be realized. His suggested savings amounted to $386,218.00. Mr. Wells discussed Mr. McNaboe’s suggestions with his structural engineers and found similar savings but kept some, per their recommendations, for a total of $341,643.00. Mr. Wells strongly suggested not reducing the roofing number as this would help to accommodate the complexity of the roof’s design to prevent leakage which Ms. Hornaday has said was an area of past problems with town projects. Mr. Williams mentioned an add-on from the Planning and Zoning’s request for a concrete, brick veneer wall to be built around the dumpster.

Committee members then discussed these proposals for budget reductions. Ms. Leonard wanted to retain the original courtyard design, the wood floors in the Community Room and ceramic tile around the circulation desk for ease of maintenance. Ms. Stokesbury also wanted to keep the courtyard as it provides inexpensive space and a “wow” factor. It makes sense to replace the current windows as some are failing and would need to be replaced anyway. Investing in the better roof makes long term sense.

Mr. Boos reminded the members that many of the items can be added later when we’d have the money or use contingency money if available. Items like the Avon Market streetscape can wait and are not critical to the construction. Ms. Carney wants to keep the courtyard. She agreed with Mr. Boos that many of the items can wait until a later date when we have the money. She said we need to get to a number the Town Council can agree with and then coordinate with the Library Board fundraising for others. Mr. Goldsholl agreed. Ms. Leonard read, from Mr. Kuziak’s e-mails, preferences which included replacing all the windows with new, keeping the courtyard, and using ceramic tiles for ease of maintenance. Mr. Williams reminded that tiles can be added later. Ms. Hornaday would like to keep the courtyard and loves the Avon Market streetscape but realizes this can be added later. She wants to make the Town Council aware of the advantages of the better roof to avoid costly replacement later.

Ms. Hornaday asked Mr. Bartha to provide a new list and dollar amount for the next meeting reflecting the member’s comments.

Mr. Goldsholl discussed the IT meeting he attended with Gary Feld, Ms. Miller, Ms. Vocelli, Mr. Bartha, Mr. Williams and Mr. Wells. He felt confident the $125,000 budgeted amount was being adhered to covering the key components requested by the Library staff for wiring, security, network equipment and phones. He thanked Ms. Miller for her hard work in compiling the need and location of the IT equipment. Mr. Goldsholl added that that the high tech appliances will be paid out of Ms. Suter’s budget.

VOTE: Ms. Carney motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 PM. None opposed.

                                                        Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                        David Goldsholl, Secretary