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Library Renovation Minutes 07/21/10
JULY 21, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room Town Hall Building 1. Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Secretary David Goldsholl, Barbara Leonard, Scott Boos, Janet Stokesbury and J. Tad Kuziak. Member absent: Diane Carney.  Also in attendance were Town Manager Brandon Roberston, Assistant to the Town Manager Steve Bartha, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant Library Director Donna Miller, Architect Peter Wells and Enterprise Builders Operations Manager Michael McNaboe.

Ms. Leonard motioned, Mr. Goldsholl seconded and all agreed to accept the June 16, 2010 minutes as written. Mr. Kuziak abstained as he was absent from the meeting.



Mr. Robertson updated the committee members with the status of the anticipated grant money. Included in the member’s packet was a copy of a recent letter sent to the Governor expressing disappointment at the Town’s omission from the recent Bond Commission’s agenda at their July 13th meeting and the hope to be included on their next one. Mr. Robertson relayed that the towns of Avon and Sherman were approved for grants at the same time yet Sherman was included on the agenda and Avon was not. Sherman’s library grant was included and approved at this meeting. He also said typically like grants are on the agenda and approved together, but not in this case. Another point of interest is that the town of Sherman was given an additional $500,000.00, earmarked for the town of New Milford whose project is not going forward, for a total of $1,000,000.00. When several members questioned how this was so, Mr. Wells explained the circumstances.

Mr. Robertson will continue to implore our State representative Kevin Witkos for the project to be included and subsequently monies granted at the next Bond Commission meeting. The Bond Commission’s next meeting is scheduled for July 30th which he feels will be cancelled, as well as the August 27th meeting. Mr. Robertson also said that additional phone calls and letters from Town Council or committee members or others couldn’t hurt either.

Mr. Goldsholl discussed going forward without the grant money and the project’s timeline. He felt increasingly that the State was telling us to go forward with the project without the money. Ms. Stokesbury disagreed and feels that yes, there is money to be had, and we should do everything we can to pursue it. Mr. Kuziak agreed with Ms. Stokesbury that we don’t stop our efforts. Mr. Boos felt the Town had done everything they could. He added that once we sign the agreement with Enterprise, then going after the grant money would be moot. Mr. Robertson said the timeline would put us at presentation to the Town Council on October 7th a contract to sign with Enterprise, having bids already gone out and returned with a GMP. This would hopefully give us a little more time to obtain the grant money. Mr. Wells agreed that more time is beneficial when going out to bid as it provides information back to allow for potential adjustments to the building design. This would put the time to break ground at the end of October.

Ms. Hornaday suggested the committee draft a letter to the State in addition to others’ efforts as well. Mr. Kuziak would like to emphasize that the project would be at risk without the grant money. He added that Mr. Shea made it very clear that we would not go back to the Town for more money for the project. He also feels that receiving the grant money will help with donations as people will feel confident that the project is going forward and is good for the community. Ms. Hornaday concurred. Mr. Wells added that the larger the project, the larger the beneficial impact on the local economy in terms of jobs. He also offered to have the committee contact the folks in Sherman to elicit their advice in securing the grant monies. Mr. Robertson said he’d be happy to draft the letter on behalf of the committee.

Mr. Goldsholl questioned if Enterprise would hold to the project or go to another. Mr. McNaboe said the prices would hold until the end of the year. He did add that commodity prices were going up. Mr. Boos added that prevailing wages were increasing as well.

Mr. McNaboe said he was in receipt of 75% of the finished design documents and will have the budget update in a few weeks. He should have 100% by August 10th. Mr. Wells said work in ongoing. Ms. Hornaday asked that a member or members should attend these construction team meetings. The next meeting will be held Friday, July 30th at 9:00AM but are usually held weekly on Thursday mornings, 9:00AM at the Library. Ms. Hornaday found these meetings to be very helpful to get a good sense of how things are moving along and with the design specifics.

Mr. Bartha discussed changes to the original budget showing areas where monies could be saved. Meetings are currently taking place regarding reducing the furniture portion as the most recent estimate had come in high. Monies in relocation costs were moved and set aside to cover temporary utilities. Mr. McNaboe explained that temporary utilities are set up during construction to facilitate moving operations from one side of the building to another as it progresses. Moving expenses are expected to decrease from a revised estimate from the William B. Meyer Co. of Windsor. Anticipated fuel savings are $500,000.00. Mr. Bartha added that $400,000.00 is still needed to be found to bridge the million dollar shortfall. He hopes that Mr. Wells and Mr. McNaboe can find it in construction costs. Mr. Goldsholl expressed the dismay the other members felt regarding the ongoing postponement of receiving the grant money and its impact on the overall project going forward.

Mr. Bartha will bring an updated project schedule to the next meeting.

Mr. Wells discussed the recent meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the site plan. The Commission expressed concerns with the parking lot and traffic flow. They questioned the need and use of the drive up book drop. To alleviate concerns, Mr. Wells is working to redesign the entrance/exit paths and showed the addition of entrance and exit only driveways. This creates a one way flow for traffic which keeps the book drop in place and retains safety. The new design will not compromise the site layout as well. The committee members liked the new plan. Mr. Wells will refine the design in time for the next Planning and Zoning meeting September 14th. Ms. Hornaday questioned the retention of the emergency exit driveway requested by the Fire Marshal. Mr. Wells relayed that, per Mr. DiPace, it remain on the drawings. Ms. Hornaday questioned the location of the new entrance, fearing it too close to the corner to raise municipal (police) concerns. Mr. Wells said he hoped it be opposite the one across the street at the church which should satisfy these concerns.

Mr. Wells explained that the committee needed to authorize Eagle Environmental to design a diagram and report to be included with the construction documents to go out to bid. A small amount of asbestos (in the floor tiling material) was cited in their original report to the committee and that it would need to be removed.

Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Mr. Boos seconded and all agreed to authorize Eagle Environmental’s engineers to produce the necessary diagram and specifications for asbestos mitigation for the construction documents. None opposed.

Mr. Goldsholl added that this process was budget neutral. Mr. Boos clarified that production of the necessary documentation for the bid package has been paid but that the actual removal of the asbestos will be included in a contractor’s bid. Ms. Hornaday added that sometimes asbestos removal can go up in price.

There were no invoices to approve.

Mr. Robertson will contact Mr. McNaboe for the critical path information and distribute it to the committee members. He added that the next Town Council meeting, in relation to the committee, will be to authorize the construction documents to go out to bid. Mr. McNaboe said he will continue to work to get the construction documents to 100%. The next scheduled meeting for August 4th is cancelled. Ms. Hornaday reminded the members that we were not having the first Wednesday morning meeting during the summer months unless there were enough items for an agenda. Ms. Vocelli will be meeting with the IT consultant, Gary Feld, on Monday, August 2nd at 9:30AM, to discuss the location of data jacks, power outlets and computers. This information will be incorporated into the CES construction drawings.

Mr. Wells brought a few ceiling material samples for the committee to review. He recommends adding “echoing ceiling clouds” to complement circles in the second floor flooring which will also save some money. They can be added to the ceiling without compromising the lighting or fire sprinklers. The committee members liked the idea.

Mr. Boos motioned, Mr. Kuziak seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:40PM. None opposed.

Recorded by:                                            
                                                        Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                        David Goldsholl, Secretary